Friday, July 28, 2006

(Day 31) Wednesday

It was Susan's birthday today.  Everyone at the toonie lunch sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. A number of people in the corps gave her gifts (Totally unexpected!!!) One of the ladies even had us all over for desert and my folks sent flowers - Cool! (We haven't had a chance to pick them up yet)It was good. I think Susan had fun.

I joined the weekly ministerial prayer meeting early this morning and then continued up to the corps to help Susan with some corps paperwork and financial stuff. Then we had the toonie lunch complete with prayer and a short humorous speak. After I took the kids to VBS at the Assembly Church, we had our WT practice here. We then put out a couple of minor (figuratively speaking) fires, headed out for dinner, and to Min's for desert, then home to put the kids in bed and work on the PowerPoint for Sunday. We have been designing a database of PowerPoint Songs and Sundays so that in our present and future ministry we can easily find the songs that we have used, and when and where we last used them, as well as where the lyrics and music are.etc.

(Day 32) Thursday

Today we had the kids programme (Adventure Camp / VBS) at the Corps. I needed to be in court (it takes place in the local legion across the street) on behalf of a friend here who is up on charges. You know, leading a song in front of a congregation may make me a little nervous, but nothing like standing up in front of a judge - and I didn't even do anything wrong to get there this time! The judge was nice though. It was good.

I then was part of a couple of meetings to help one of our friends get on track with his work responsibilities.We pray a lot here. I like that. I also had the opportunity to give an older gentleman a ride out to his ranch from the hospital. Wow. This can get disorientating.this landscape is beautiful but I am not used to it. I got a little turned around coming back but it all worked out and I was back in time (more or less) for someone to be picked up from the bus station (which is the gas station).

We had the Bible study tonight. There was also a hall rental. I put together some more stuff for Sunday's services afterwards. I got home before 11:30 or so. Rebecca had an earache all last night.I hope everything is okay. There is only one doctor in town and I think he is leaving soon for holidays..Or maybe a new doctor came to town.or something..

Gotta Go. Praise God! Amen!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Day 29 (Monday)
Today was scheduled as our day off - Susan worked all day - from home though... I did some office work and helped out few people at family services. This seems to be a busier summer than usual. I was on the phone a bit about the person we were to bring for a psychiatric assessment in Swift Current today. He balked. They cancelled his appointment. I came down anyway with Todd, who volunteered to come along to help. We spoke with the person and he decided to go the Swift Current after all. Providentially, his bed was still available! Todd and I then set out to get him some new clothes for the trip. Most items we could get from The Salvation Army. We just needed to buy socks. When we got back to the hospital, the nurses said that he did not want to go anymore. They didn't cancel his bed this time though. He was just afraid that he would have to travel alone. He didn't. We went with him. It was a good trip there and back. We still need to find him a Bible though. Christian book stores are difficult to find in this neck of the woods. We were able to help a fair amount through the admitting process. You know - these uniforms really come in handy when you're working in an official capacity - who knew? We then bought some supplies and headed back to Maple Creek. The trip gave all of a good chance to pray together and talk about God and everyone's lives. It was good. There are great people here that the Lord is using in amazing ways. I worked in the office for a little bit when we returned and then I went home for dinner. After dinner, I played for a while and then we managed to get a little more work done after the kids went to bed. I love this calling, this life, the Lord. To God be the glory Amen!
Day 30 (Tuesday)
While walking to church, after dropping off the kids, I was approached by someone in need of assistance (good thing I was wearing my uniform) while I was answering the emergency after hours cell phone. I love this...the Lord is good indeed.
Susan went to the women's prayer mtg today. There are prayer warriors here! They have been meeting religiously for over 9 years now and they are organised!!! I put together an order of service for the Sunday meeting and picked out some songs in consultation with the WT leader. We have WT meeting tomorrow. The summer WT members that the Lord brought together actually practice on their own during the week!
One of the people on our 'Fresh Start' employment programme found F/T work, PTL. The kids programme at the Pentecostal Church is a success too! Our kids are having fun. The officers here work quite closely with the Assembly Pentecostal and the Victory Churches. I met the pastor of the United Church today, she seems nice too.
I inquired at the local RCMP detachment about a court date for a friend who is out of town for an indefinite amount of time. It was suggested that I should represent him in court, ITLP, Thursday when his first charges are brought before the judge. I'm looking forward to this...I love this. There is so much we can do to serve the Lord, help others, and so much to learn (-: I don't know when I am going to be able to finish my CFOT assignments though...
Tonight, after dinner, I should do the PowerPoint for the first of 3 meetings that we have scheduled on this Sunday. The second two won't require PowerPoint. I still need to write the order of service for one of them. Susan will organize the other. She did a great job Sunday, btw. Oh yah, visitation is fun too! The Lord, life, and His work here are very good indeed.

We have our swimming visitation soon....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A series of reports...

Day 22 (Monday)
Went to the corps at about 6 am and get caught up on e-rations, etc. I have been out of internet contact for quite a while (I read e-mails the other night). Captain Karen came in at 7am. I walked home shortly afterwards to get the girls ready for the day. I had a refresher course on Shelby later. We were shown how to do deposits. We met with the funeral director. We brought the family services paperwork up-to-date. We were getting ready to 'run the show' while the Officers are on furlough. I had the opportunity to get gas for a lady who needed it for her car and meet Alf (he owns Alf's, which is where we have our gas account.) I was also interviewed by the Saskatoon media re: the fire evac work that I was doing. Wednesday, Susan and I will both -ITLP- be interviewed by the Maple Creek newspaper. The Lord is giving us lots of opportunities to serve Him here. He is good.
Day 23 (Tuesday)
Today I went for a run at 6.00. Then, after breakfast with everyone, I took the kids to the park while I polished my sermon for tomorrow and lead. I then received a call to help a new resident of Maple creek move into her home. The Fresh Start people working with us weren't available so I did it myself.
I was called away from that and was able to visit a person in the hospital after he had allegedly burned down his apartment and attempted suicide in the process apparently because 'the voices' told him to. I prayed with him and talked for quite some time. I need to find a large print Bible for him. I spoke with the police about getting some of his possessions out of the house but that is not possible until the arson officer comes to town. I have an appointment to see the fellow in the hospital tomorrow.
We were also able to provide a couple of moms with food and diapers; one of whom registered her son for camp at the same time! God is good. One of them used to attend the corps...we're hoping that she will come back. We spoke for some time. She's a nice lady. She prays and reads her Bible so -who knows- maybe we'll see her around the corps some more...
I was able to help 3 guys out of jail today. Well, they were in a holding cell because they put gas in their car and none of their bank accounts had any money in them. I went with a Police Officer and the 3 of them down to the gas station and paid for their gas. They had some money wired to them and promptly reimbursed me. I got their numbers. I will try to remember to follow up with them and I'll remember to pray for them. They live in another province.
We rescheduled tonight's Bible study for Thursday. I had to be back at the church in case anyone showed up. One person did. She wanted Booth College info anyway so that was fine. I gave her some of the PR items we received from Booth College.
Later, I met my next door neighbour - he is from Nfld but he is not a Salvo. - he has the Nfld flag engraved in colour in his patio. That's cool. I met him while I was mowing the lawn. I never thought that I would miss that but you know what, I do sort of....well, not big lawns or ones with trees to mow around - see yah tomorrow.
Day 24 (Wednesday)
I am proud of my kids. They were so good today at the Lodge, a seniors home where we preached and led the meeting. They were polite. Becca sang really well. She had practiced for a solo. SGV helped her out and they did a duet. That was nice of her. Afterwards, Sarah-Grace greeted everyone on her own accord and gave people pictures she had drawn there. This is great because my gifting is not in the same area as Nancy Braye's (O.P). 
SGV, Becca, and I went swimming in the evening again. Again we met people involved with the corps but not Sunday attendees. Becca and SGV played with a couple of 10 year-old girls and a boy that they had met briefly previously. The children remembered us from the corps. A least one girl was at the toonie lunch today too. Every Wednesday we are involved with this. We lead a short devotional thought or story and pray with the diners before the meal and then help the regular volunteers clean up. I think Susan may have helped prepare for the lunch as well.
I went to see a friend in the hospital today. He had found a large print NT (an answer to prayer) in the library and was reading it. I'm glad. There are no Christian book stores (or any kind of book stores for that matter as far as I know) in Maple Creek. When next we get to Medicine Hat or Swift Current, I will look to stock up on Bibles. Tomorrow, I have to remember to go to the Police Station sometime to see if I can retrieve his belongings from the remains of the fire....
We are very busy. I have no idea when we are going to be able to to our Pastoral Care HW. No idea. We still need childcare. It is not easy to find at all. This is a prayer request that may be answered....Maybe.
This morning started with the ministerial prayer meeting. I spoke with a pastor of the local Church of God. He also went to visit our friend in the hospital today. This is good. He seemed to be in good spirits.
Anyway, It is after 9:30 pm and my first meeting was at 7am and I just now got the kids to bed so if I have any energy left after putting some more thought into tomorrow's kids programme.
Oh yah, I also updated the FS files by creating a DB for them. I don't know if the officers will decide to continue to use it when they return but it is another option from which to choose anyway.
Day 25 (Thursday)
Wow. I couldn't get up this morning, I was so tired. We began (Susan spear-headed) the kids programme today. They all did great.
I wasn't able to visit my friend in the hospital today but, Lord willing, I will be there tomorrow. I also need to visit the RCMP detachment tomorrow re: a fire in town. I also have quite a few phone calls to make but Susan is VERY busy too and so we will have to pray that all can be accomplished well.
Susan led the Bible study tonight. It went well We just finished now (10ish) and it started by 7:30. It was good. The kids were in the nursery.
I began using the DB for FS.
Day 26 (Friday)
made lots of phone calls to schedule for an energy smart programme that the Army is involved with here. We consulted with people about a proposed new flooring plan for the thrift store. There was a car accident on the hwy today. We were asked to help arrange for transportation to Calgary and asked to help the injured people retrieve their belongings. A friend here was released to the care of the mental health ward in Swift Current. I am still trying to figure out how to get him there. There were a number of family service emergencies today. I am glad that I designed the new database - it helps me anyway.  I was granted permission to enter the scene of the alleged arson to retrieve some belongings for people affected by it today. I made lots of follow up phone calls and set up appointments.  I need to go to worship team practice soon. I think that I may be performing the lead for Sunday. Susan is writing it and doing it well....
Day 27 (Saturday)
Worked at the Thrift Store all day. Had a lunch break with the kids and Susan. I met  Marci and Genie at the Church; they were there for WT. I designed a DB for the TS. I don't know if it will make it easier for the COs or not. It is a similar system to one I used to track the businesses that I have owned and/or managed in the past. I then took the kids swimming and put them to bed. Susan went to work on some last minute prep for the meeting tomorrow...
Day 28 (Sunday)
I went to the Church at 6am or so this morning. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, no PowerPoint had been set up for the meeting today. I did this until 8:30, ran home, bathed (no shower here), changed, and we went back to the corps. When I came home it was interesting...the whole house was completely saturated with smoke. There was a major toaster malfunction and I am surprised that anyone could breathe at all. I think the toaster is done...
The meeting went well.. Susan wrote a good lead. The worship team did a good job especially considering that it was their meeting this morning. Susan's speak was good. People responded. I went to the hospital later to confirm that I would be taking a friend to the hospital in Swift Current on Monday morning. We then went to Cypress Hills to visit the Officers who are holidaying there. We had a great steak dinner at the camp site and then took the girls for a swim in the lake and played at the campground. God is good. I then went over to Todd and Audrey's and made preparations for our trip to the big city today. Todd has volunteered to come with me to help out...

Monday, July 17, 2006

DR Was is back!

July 18

Isaiah 32-35 and James 2

The Dr. Was site is back. Sorry about the interruption.
Click the picture to see more comics.

Saskatoon, Maple creek and Beaver Creek.

Day 9 - We were on our own today. We got a call from the police station. I
had to buy a ticket for a lady to get out of town and put her on the bus. It
is one of the services many services we are privileged to do here.
Susan -later- had a car accident. No one was hurt. Gord and I drove to
Saskatoon to help with the forest fires evacuation. We had a great
theological discussion on the 4 hour drive up from Maple Creek. (It reminded
me of our trips to Stony Penn. with Sheldon, Bram and Jason. Anyway, it was
a long day - we finished well after mid-night.

Day 10 - It is my grandmother's and sister's b'day today. I am out of e-mail
range. I don't even have my computer with me so I can't send out DR WAS.
This is too bad since the server is down again. I was shown the Soccer
Centre and the U of Sask Programmes for the people evacuated from there
homes up North. I was given charge of the Army programme at the University.
Long days: 7 - 7 at the University and then I come back to camp. We have a
number of 'volunteers' from the camp staff helping out- they are very good
kids. God is good.

Day 11 - Long day again. 7-7 at the FIRE EVAC CTRE followed by a couple of
hours up at camp. Made a detailed rotation sched. For the camp staff and
volunteers. We were in charge of staffing and monitoring the baby room, the
kids programme, dinner prep. and clean up as well as serving. It was a lot
of work for our volunteers and a lot of fun. The set up at the university
was great - even though we did not have air conditioning like the other EVAC
CTRE, the people seemed quite content. (One day there was even a jumping
castle for the kids and everyday there were outings available - swimming,
movies, etc.)

Day 12 - Another long day - loading up the van at 6:30 and driving the staff
into Saskatoon from Camp. The camp help was done at noon so I needed to
orientate some of their replacement volunteers before that, then drive them
home, then drive back and coordinate the new staff and help out some of the
550 or so people at the EVAC CTRE. One thing that we did was to help people
in wheel chairs and / or with strollers up a long - very long ramp that had
a very steep incline. My knee hasn't quite recovered - some people are
heavy! Another duty was pushing strollers for people while they dished out
their food from the buffet. This was a great opportunity to talk to the
people being temporarily housed at the University. It was good. After I
returned to camp, I went for a run. After the run, I joined in a pick-up
game of tackle football with some of the kids that had volunteered to help
that week at the fire. It was a lot of fun. I then met with some of the camp
staff who had now arrived for music camp.

Day 13 - I had had some growths on my hand that were really hurting me
before we left Winnipeg. I prayed. They're gone now. The cell phone I was
using died today. (Captains Don and Donna were kind enough to lend me one of
theirs for this opportunity.) It was a little difficult to communicate about
what volunteers I needed because of this but it did not cause any problems.
Yesterday, I forgot to mention that I met Ahab Mckenzine. He organized a
number of the boys from the communities up north (where the fires were) to
assist us. That was a lot of help. Captains Ed and Charlotte (who, along
with Captain Kirk, are in charge of coordinating the Army's support for this
whole evacuation in Saskatoon) also ensured a steady stream of volunteers
and - I believe - all of them enjoyed helping a lot. One little boy (an
evacuated child) at one point kept asking me a question. I didn't understand
it. Eventually his mother heard or understood and laughed. He was asking me
if I was white. Another child, Frank, always asked for me 'Mike' and used my
name as often as he could. It was great. I truly enjoyed the experience.
Susan and the girls camp up to the camp today for music camp. It was good to
see them. When they saw me, they screamed 'daddy' and gave me 'big hugs'. It
was good. I had missed them.

Day 14 - Last day: it was kind of sad really. I have gotten to know so many
people and have heard some very intimate stories of their lives. It was good
that they could return home though - not one structure was lost. This is
miraculous for sure. When I returned to camp, I integrated into the regular
programme as staff. I am involved with a lot of things that do not involve
music par se at 'music camp.' We played MI - this was fun. I am a bit faster
than a number of the teens so they were somewhat easy to catch. I think this
surprised some of them. They enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. We had fun. God is

Day 15 - First full day of camp. Helped the jr. boys get ready. (Last night
I helped with cabin devos.) We cleaned the cabin and were the first ones at
the flag pole for the morning ceremony of raising the flag. We received 5000
pts for that, whatever that means. We, the jr. boys, won the relay. I helped
with improv and camp clean up and washed one campers hair (yesterday I took
Becca and Sarah-Grace swimming and then to the park for a LONG time - SGV
was on the swings for almost the whole time.) I think that I will bring them
back soon to swimming. It may be too hot for the park. We went swimming.
Shiloh met them there. It was fun. Rebecca is a good swimmer. After she
prayed, the Lord provided Susan with a great Theory class. We performed a
skit for the campers last night. I think that it went over well. The kids in
our cabin went to sleep quite well [they were tired] because the nurse (a
mom) came to help. The Lord is good.

Day 16 - Boy was I tired today. I got up at 10 to six and went for a run. I
then helped the jr. boys cabin get cleaned up and ready for the day. It
smelled. I helped out with theatre sports again The food is good here almost
as good as at the fire evac site (U of Sask.) I will lead Jr. Bible
tomorrow. Bible has gone well so far - Jennifer has led it. They have great
memory verse aids - boxes with fractions of verses cut out and pasted on
each side like dice: they have to be stacked in the right order. There was a
pool party for the kids tonight. I missed talent night because it was too
late for my kids. Susan woke me up when it was over and brought me outside
for a while…

Day 17 - I am looking forward to going back to Maple Creek just so that I
have my internet up and going and can do some work. I need to do some
research too. There are no books here at Camp. I have learned more about
PowerPoint - this is good. I then spent the night with the cabin 4 boys
tonight. (The days finish around 10 or 11 here; they start for me at 6am.)

Day 18 - I went for a run early and prayed. I saw what looked like (I don't
think it was - wrong tail) a very small beaver in Beaver Creek. (I will see
two big ones on Saturday). Cabin 4 boys - my group looks like it has a
chance to win some awards. People are helping. I hope we win but we'll see
what God has in mind here. Our kids didn't go swimming today and they went
to bed early. Susan was playing accompaniment in "Beaver Creek Idol" so I
stayed with them until it was the official bedtime then I went to supervise
the jr. Boys Cabin.

Day 19 - Last full day at camp. Every morning we meet at the flag pole for
'O Canada' and various team competitions. This morning someone (Cabin 5)
stole the whole flagpole - and the clanger for the bell!!! The pranks are
beginning. At dinner we had a 'birthday party' for everyone complete with
presents. The Vennables provided great SA presents! The faculty attacked the
students in a water fight. I think we won in the end too… (-: We had our
last Bible class today. Most of the jr.s did really well. One girl to whom I
administered the test (the final was an interview based on the content of
the class) even aced the test! The kids did great. I think this was their
best batch of Jr's ever. It has been a lot of fun. In the evening programme,
they announced the winning cabin. (Points had been awarded all week long for
various competitions and 'good deeds' and tidiness / cleanliness. It was the
jr. Boys who won - for the first time ever! (as far back as anyone can
recall). We won a pizza party! Everyone won some prize but I must admit that
for my guys winning meant a lot! It was fun to be first. TLIG

Day 20 - I went for a run today and saw 2 Beaver in Beaver Creek. I stayed
and prayed by the creek for quite a while. We went home today. It’s a long
way from Maple Creek to Beaver Creek and back again. The theatre sports
group that I assisted teaching was on again in the final programme. It has
been a success. The kids and adults alike like it and some of our students
are really quite good. It is fun - I enjoy it. The whole programme was a
success. It was based on the game show 'Deal, No Deal' and the theme fit
well. At least 2 kids committed their lives to following Jesus this week. We
got our t-shirts and had our picture taken today. We arrived 'home' after
9:30PM or so…

Day 21 - Susan went early this week for the prayer meeting. I came with the
kids on their bikes for the 10:30 service. The testimonies and prayer from
the congregation - wonderful, amazing. The Lord is good. We went out for
lunch with the COs later - then we learned THE SETTLERS OF CATAN.

Full day tomorrow - I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Week 1 at Maple Creek.

This has been an exciting week. We have seen God at work in Maple Creek and
are looking forward to experiencing even more of His miracles this summer.

On our first day here, we saw the town theatre. It is only open on weekends.
We played at an 'old fashioned' park (real teeter totters): the girls love
it - it is down by the community pool. It is an outdoor pool. I have been
running in the morning and praying for the town. It is very small. I like

On Day Two, I met the local trapper, he catches groundhogs and Beaver for
the government. We drove to the dump or 'mall' today. (The dump is sometimes
called the 'mall' because some people take more things than they drop off
there.) The attendant at the dump told us a joke which I have been
challenged by the officer to put into a sermon: it involved a blonde, and a
few interesting words.

The Corps runs a government-funded programme for work training. The previous
people just finished and the programme and so now there was no one to
benefit from the service and possibly no work for the government-funded
employee. No sooner had I heard about this than God sent two new people in
the door to benefit from and contribute to the programme...God is good.

We met everyone who was at a BBQ at the corps. A humungous water fight broke

On Day 3 we learned a lot more about Family Services here. I was also able
to attend the ministerial prayer meeting. I am looking forward to that every

On Day 4 we learned 'the books' here today - they are really good at keeping
a paper trail. We went out to the Corps treasurer's ranch today. We had
some homemade buns and talked for a while. It was good. The buns and the
conversation. The Lord is working in people's lives and they know it! - PTL

I also went over our new schedule with Gordon Taylor and then learned how to
run the Thrift store. Later, after I had a tour of town, we went for dinner
at the officers' and SGV and I went to a concert at the church, It was still
light when we got home so I cut the grass…Wow! We saw prong horn sheep, wild
turkey, and all kinds of need wild animals on the way. God is good. We also
attended the Bible study. The people really love God here. It is evident.
The testimonies are wonderful. Thank the Lord, we needed this... it is good.

On day 5 we went to the interdenominational church service for Canada Day.
We were reminded that Canada was founded upon Christian principles and in
particular Psalm 72. It was great to praise the Lord in the open air like
that. We were not hiding our light under a bushel.

I then helped out at the thrift store - It turned out to be a good chance to
have visitation with corps attendees and get to know others. One of whom was
enquiring about how to be a soldier. We'll see what the Lord has planned

Susan and SGV went to the Rodeo afterwards, Rebecca was too sick.

Day 6 was Church, I mean the meeting! Gordon preached a great message!
Everything from brain teaser puzzles to Pelages (sp) versus Augustine to
WWJD. The Lord spoke through His word.

We had a prayer meeting before. SGV and I joined. SGV and I met a bunch of
new people. I gave a short testimony and prayed and I was able to joke a
around a little bit as well. Susan's natural style of speaking is perfect
for this congregation. They like and are used to object lessons.

SGV rode her bike to church. She desperately wanted to give some money for
the offering immediately after it had been collected. I handed her some
money. She held it above her head and danced up to the front carrying it. It
was neat. All you could really see was her little blue hat and the arm
holding the her heart-felt offering. It was a testimony.

Day 7 - I ran this morning. The whole family was up when I left around 6 am
though - weird. We went to visit the T-Rex in Eastend (which is in the
southwest corner of Saskatchewan here). It was a lot of fun we also saw a
falconry and some hawks. It was good. We are now working on our plans for
next week. We have a few more sermons to write and meetings to lead. It is
good. We are having fun. Rebecca says she never wants to leave Maple Creek
(other than to visit Grandma, Boppa, Kiki, and others on the Island and in
Vancouver of course…). She and SGV can't wait to tell Michelle and Bria
about the real cowgirls they saw!!!!

God bless this town and God bless this Army!

If you would like to be added to our intercessorary prayer list and support
us in that way, we can send you these updates to accompanies praise reports
of what God is doing here and prayer request as well. Just let us know at

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Holy Founder's Day!

Defining Terms is difficult...

I found this article about US political terms interesting...

"Liberalism is a dirty word, but it's undeserved," he says in a phone interview. "People who run for office under the liberal banner don't know how to defend their cause. They're playing defence while the Republicans are defining the debate. Conservatives don't believe in a united country, and their view is that government is the enemy. If you don't have a country in which everyone has a stake in the enterprise, you're going to create civil strife."

And what liberals should be reminding people is that strong central government is their best defender against inequality, something that is left out of the debate, even while the gap between rich and poor grows.

"In this country our last protector may be the essence of liberalism (embodied in) the state. That is how our country grew up and existed. If liberals remembered where they came from, they might know where to take the country."

Read the whole article at

I have run into some of the same confusion of terms surrounding religious discussions in this country...I am never sure what liberal, conservative, neo-con, or neo-liberal means but I don't think that I want to be called by any of those terms....

Try this Canada Day Quiz

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Pray for the Lizano-Sossa Family; pray for Canada

A Toronto family has been deported to their native Costa Rica after exhausting all avenues to stay in Canada.

CBC News

The Lizano-Sossa family had exhausted all avenues to stay in Canada.

The Lizano-Sossa family boarded a plane at Toronto's Pearson International Airport on Saturday after an emotional farewell.

Gerald and Francella Lizano-Sossa arrived in Canada five years ago on a visitor visa with their children, Gerald Jr., now 14, and Kimberly, 15. A second daughter was born in Canada two years ago. The couple applied for refugee status, claiming to be on the hit list of a drug cartel. They were turned down.

Read more:

It is sad when we turn away those in need, please pray that we will instead offer help in  Jesus name...

Canada Day Quiz

The Globe and Mail has a Canada Day quiz for you...

Happy Canada Day

We went to an interdenominational Church Service today and participated in singing praises to our Lord. We were reminded that Canada was intentionally founded on Christian Principles - and on Psalm 72 which says in part,

"1Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son.

 2He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment.

 3The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.

 4He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

 5They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.

 6He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.

 7In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endured.

 8He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth."

Read more:;&version=9;

We are also reminded of North America's earlier failed attempt at an 'enlightenment' secular-style government based on 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' that emphasized the rights of the individual over those of God and the community. This 'enlightenment' led to two brutal civil wars (The War of Independence, The US Civil War), Tar and Feathering, and concentration camps, while making it all the more necessary for a Christian Canadian government founded on the values of 'peace, order, and good government' and the promises of Psalm 72.

Happy Canada Day!