Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hello Swift Current.
We've arrived and started to get to know some of the many wonderful people here.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thank you Lord for Nipawin.
Thank You Lord,
Thank You for all the people in Nipawin and the opportunity to serve You alongside them.
Thank You for all the people in Nipawin and the opportunity to serve You alongside them.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
NO FEAR: 2 Kings 5 (PART V)
When we are unexpectantly met with some challenge, do we ever have this very same fear in the place that should be occupied with faith?
When the economy is going down, when more than one cabinet minister leaves important files with biker gangs or a media outlet that has just had a judge condemn it for a lack of ethics, when it seems that our financial and political masters may be either incompetent or (as the conspiracy theorist would say) out to get us, are we tempted have a fear of man or circumstance in the place of faith in God? Do we have fear in the place of faith? In our own lives when things are seemingly going wrong and people or circumstances appear to be trying to pick a quarrel with us, do we have fear in the place of faith?
This is the King of Israel’s problem. This isn’t Naaman’s problem: Namaan is boldly marching down to Israel. And this isn’t God’s problem or the prophet Elisha’s problem. God, through Elisha rebukes and comforts King Joram of Israel with these words – verse 7, he says, “Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
When things in our life seem like they are out-of-control; when we have the impression that people or life itself might be ganging up on us; when it doesn’t seem like we can win for losing; when we just want to tear our clothes, tear our hair out, or cry because (like the King of Israel) all we can see is the mounting pressure and impending crises…when all this happens, we should remember these words of comfort: "Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel." In other words, calm down, be at peace, bring your problems before the Lord and then we will all see that indeed God is in this place.
Let us pray.
When we are unexpectantly met with some challenge, do we ever have this very same fear in the place that should be occupied with faith?
When the economy is going down, when more than one cabinet minister leaves important files with biker gangs or a media outlet that has just had a judge condemn it for a lack of ethics, when it seems that our financial and political masters may be either incompetent or (as the conspiracy theorist would say) out to get us, are we tempted have a fear of man or circumstance in the place of faith in God? Do we have fear in the place of faith? In our own lives when things are seemingly going wrong and people or circumstances appear to be trying to pick a quarrel with us, do we have fear in the place of faith?
This is the King of Israel’s problem. This isn’t Naaman’s problem: Namaan is boldly marching down to Israel. And this isn’t God’s problem or the prophet Elisha’s problem. God, through Elisha rebukes and comforts King Joram of Israel with these words – verse 7, he says, “Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
When things in our life seem like they are out-of-control; when we have the impression that people or life itself might be ganging up on us; when it doesn’t seem like we can win for losing; when we just want to tear our clothes, tear our hair out, or cry because (like the King of Israel) all we can see is the mounting pressure and impending crises…when all this happens, we should remember these words of comfort: "Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel." In other words, calm down, be at peace, bring your problems before the Lord and then we will all see that indeed God is in this place.
Let us pray.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
NO FEAR: 2 Kings 5 (PART IV)
There is even more than this though. It is not as if Naaman is just a wealthy man going off to a country that either controls his or has been allied with his own country for a hundred years or so (like a Canadian heading to the US). Naaman is a man of privilege and a soldier from a foreign country. Naaman is even more than just a privileged soldier: he is a general. Naaman is even more than just a general: he is the commander of Aram’s forces.[1] He is to the Aramean King, as Joab was to David or as Sisera was to Jabin (Judges 4).[2] He is the leader of the Aram’s military and Aram has been a war with Israel and Naaman himself has probably even gained some of his status by fighting successfully against Israel in the past. There is even an extra-Biblical tradition that says that it was Naaman’s arrow that struck down the disguised King Ahab of Israel in his war chariot (1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18).[3] And now Namaan has approached the King of Aram to ask permission to visit Israel, a country that he has most certainly led military raids against. He has asked to go to Israel to see if he can get some help for his skin condition.
Think about this for a moment. Can you imagine if the leader of the US forces in Afghanistan (even during a break in the fighting) asked for special permission to go to be healed of some illness by the Taliban (whom the US has at times sponsored and at other times warred against and whom the US is often involved in raids against their towns). It would be much the same I think.
The King of Israel certainly seems to react the way we would expect of Mullah Omar if a high-profile American showed up at his door asking him to cure him of some seemingly incurable disease. The King of Israel says, verse 7, “…Am I God? Can I kill and bring back to life? Why does this fellow send someone to me to be cured of his leprosy? See how he is trying to pick a quarrel with me!”
Naaman is sincere but the King of Israel is insecure; he is afraid. As we have seen, there are some very good reasons why one might be afraid – if one doesn’t have absolute faith in the absolute faithfulness of God and the King hasn’t the faith or knowledge yet that God can and will heal Namaan. He thinks that this is merely a political move on the part of his sometimes enemies. He seemingly forgets that God is sovereign. He forgets that God is in control and instead he just thinks that the King of Aram is trying to pick a fight to him and he gets so upset about it that he even – verse 7 – tears his royal robes. He has this fear of man where instead he should have faith in God.
[1] Choon-Leong Seow. The First and Second Book of Kings. (NIB III: Abigdon Press, Nashville, 1999), p. 193.
[2] R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Exposition of Second Kings/6. The eras of Jehoram of the northern kingdom and Jehoram and Ahaziah of the southern kingdom (2:1-9:37)/c. Elisha's miracles (4:1-6:7)/(4) The restoration of Naaman (5:1-27), Book Version: 4.0.2
[3] Cf. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 15.5 and Targum on 2 Chronicles 18. Cited from Choon-Leong Seow. The First and Second Book of Kings. (NIB III: Abigdon Press, Nashville, 1999), p. 193.
There is even more than this though. It is not as if Naaman is just a wealthy man going off to a country that either controls his or has been allied with his own country for a hundred years or so (like a Canadian heading to the US). Naaman is a man of privilege and a soldier from a foreign country. Naaman is even more than just a privileged soldier: he is a general. Naaman is even more than just a general: he is the commander of Aram’s forces.[1] He is to the Aramean King, as Joab was to David or as Sisera was to Jabin (Judges 4).[2] He is the leader of the Aram’s military and Aram has been a war with Israel and Naaman himself has probably even gained some of his status by fighting successfully against Israel in the past. There is even an extra-Biblical tradition that says that it was Naaman’s arrow that struck down the disguised King Ahab of Israel in his war chariot (1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18).[3] And now Namaan has approached the King of Aram to ask permission to visit Israel, a country that he has most certainly led military raids against. He has asked to go to Israel to see if he can get some help for his skin condition.
Think about this for a moment. Can you imagine if the leader of the US forces in Afghanistan (even during a break in the fighting) asked for special permission to go to be healed of some illness by the Taliban (whom the US has at times sponsored and at other times warred against and whom the US is often involved in raids against their towns). It would be much the same I think.
The King of Israel certainly seems to react the way we would expect of Mullah Omar if a high-profile American showed up at his door asking him to cure him of some seemingly incurable disease. The King of Israel says, verse 7, “…Am I God? Can I kill and bring back to life? Why does this fellow send someone to me to be cured of his leprosy? See how he is trying to pick a quarrel with me!”
Naaman is sincere but the King of Israel is insecure; he is afraid. As we have seen, there are some very good reasons why one might be afraid – if one doesn’t have absolute faith in the absolute faithfulness of God and the King hasn’t the faith or knowledge yet that God can and will heal Namaan. He thinks that this is merely a political move on the part of his sometimes enemies. He seemingly forgets that God is sovereign. He forgets that God is in control and instead he just thinks that the King of Aram is trying to pick a fight to him and he gets so upset about it that he even – verse 7 – tears his royal robes. He has this fear of man where instead he should have faith in God.
[1] Choon-Leong Seow. The First and Second Book of Kings. (NIB III: Abigdon Press, Nashville, 1999), p. 193.
[2] R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Exposition of Second Kings/6. The eras of Jehoram of the northern kingdom and Jehoram and Ahaziah of the southern kingdom (2:1-9:37)/c. Elisha's miracles (4:1-6:7)/(4) The restoration of Naaman (5:1-27), Book Version: 4.0.2
[3] Cf. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 15.5 and Targum on 2 Chronicles 18. Cited from Choon-Leong Seow. The First and Second Book of Kings. (NIB III: Abigdon Press, Nashville, 1999), p. 193.
NO FEAR: 2 Kings 5 (PART III)
It is this captured slave girl who, as recorded in verse 2 of our text, tells her master how he can be cured of his ailment. Naaman, verse one tells us, has leprosy. The word translated as ‘leprosy’ here probably does not refer to Hanson's Disease, which is what we generally think of if we speak of leprosy.[1]
Theologians R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel say of the Hebrew word here that, “obviously the term is of wider dimension, being used not only of true leprosy (e.g., of Azariah, 2 Kings 15:5 q.v.), but of serious skin conditions (Lev 13:1-46) and of fungi in clothing (Lev 13:47-56) and houses (Lev 14:33-59). [2] David P. Wright and Choon-Leong Seow agree that Naaman’s social involvement and status (the fact that he is a powerful person and that he is not living in isolation) make it very unlikely that he suffered from Hanson's Disease, which again is what we generally think of when we hear the word ‘leprosy’ today.
Nonetheless, this condition that Naaman has is not a pleasant disease and just like Canadians with money in our day and age will try to jump surgery queues by paying a lot of money and taking extra risks to go the USA for a speedy operation, Naaman, as a man of privilege is willing to do the same in the story before us today. Verses 4-6:
Naaman went to his master and told him what the girl from Israel had said. "By all means, go," the king of Aram replied. "I will send a letter to the king of Israel." So Naaman left, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing. The letter that he took to the king of Israel read: "With this letter I am sending my servant Naaman to you so that you may cure him of his leprosy."
[1] Cf. G.J. Wenham, The Book of Leviticus (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979), pp. 189-214 and David P. Wright and Richard N. Jones, “Leprosy” in ABD, 4:277-82.
[2] R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Notes to Second Kings/Second Kings 5 Notes/Second Kings Note 5:1, Book Version: 4.0.2
It is this captured slave girl who, as recorded in verse 2 of our text, tells her master how he can be cured of his ailment. Naaman, verse one tells us, has leprosy. The word translated as ‘leprosy’ here probably does not refer to Hanson's Disease, which is what we generally think of if we speak of leprosy.[1]
Theologians R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel say of the Hebrew word here that, “obviously the term is of wider dimension, being used not only of true leprosy (e.g., of Azariah, 2 Kings 15:5 q.v.), but of serious skin conditions (Lev 13:1-46) and of fungi in clothing (Lev 13:47-56) and houses (Lev 14:33-59). [2] David P. Wright and Choon-Leong Seow agree that Naaman’s social involvement and status (the fact that he is a powerful person and that he is not living in isolation) make it very unlikely that he suffered from Hanson's Disease, which again is what we generally think of when we hear the word ‘leprosy’ today.
Nonetheless, this condition that Naaman has is not a pleasant disease and just like Canadians with money in our day and age will try to jump surgery queues by paying a lot of money and taking extra risks to go the USA for a speedy operation, Naaman, as a man of privilege is willing to do the same in the story before us today. Verses 4-6:
Naaman went to his master and told him what the girl from Israel had said. "By all means, go," the king of Aram replied. "I will send a letter to the king of Israel." So Naaman left, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing. The letter that he took to the king of Israel read: "With this letter I am sending my servant Naaman to you so that you may cure him of his leprosy."
[1] Cf. G.J. Wenham, The Book of Leviticus (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979), pp. 189-214 and David P. Wright and Richard N. Jones, “Leprosy” in ABD, 4:277-82.
[2] R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Notes to Second Kings/Second Kings 5 Notes/Second Kings Note 5:1, Book Version: 4.0.2
NO FEAR: 2 Kings 5 (PART II)
There are a few interesting things in this first verse that we have just read. One is that Naaman is a general, a commander of an army from Aram. Now the Arameans are on-again, off-again foes and allies of Israel (cf. 2 Kings 6:8, 24-7:20). They have had many conflicts over the years. You might remember some very dramatic scenes from the scriptures: In the early 14th century BC, much of Israel was under Aramean rule for about eight years (Judges 3) until they were liberated by Othniel, Caleb’s son-in-law. King Joram shortly after the episode we are looking at today (2 Kings 5) will wisely spare the lives of the Aramean soldiers that Elisha captures (2 Kings 6:8-23) and King Ahab not too many years before the events of today’s story unwisely spares the life of Aram’s king, Ben-Hadad (after capturing him in battle 1 Kings 20:31ff) only to be ironically killed in battle against the Aramean foe (1 Kings 22:29-38).
These two countries – Israel and Aram (Syria) - have quite a history and at this point in their history the Superpower of the day (Assyria) has its eyes on the Near East and a ‘coalition of the willing’ is being formed to try to withstand Assyria’s onslaught. Among other things, Israel’s inconsistent support for the resistance sometimes provokes raids from Aram and in one of these raids a young Israelite girl is captured and she becomes General Naaman’s wife’s servant.[1]
[1]R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Exposition of Second Kings/6. The eras of Jehoram of the northern kingdom and Jehoram and Ahaziah of the southern kingdom (2:1-9:37)/c. Elisha's miracles (4:1-6:7)/(4) The restoration of Naaman (5:1-27), Book Version: 4.0.2
There are a few interesting things in this first verse that we have just read. One is that Naaman is a general, a commander of an army from Aram. Now the Arameans are on-again, off-again foes and allies of Israel (cf. 2 Kings 6:8, 24-7:20). They have had many conflicts over the years. You might remember some very dramatic scenes from the scriptures: In the early 14th century BC, much of Israel was under Aramean rule for about eight years (Judges 3) until they were liberated by Othniel, Caleb’s son-in-law. King Joram shortly after the episode we are looking at today (2 Kings 5) will wisely spare the lives of the Aramean soldiers that Elisha captures (2 Kings 6:8-23) and King Ahab not too many years before the events of today’s story unwisely spares the life of Aram’s king, Ben-Hadad (after capturing him in battle 1 Kings 20:31ff) only to be ironically killed in battle against the Aramean foe (1 Kings 22:29-38).
These two countries – Israel and Aram (Syria) - have quite a history and at this point in their history the Superpower of the day (Assyria) has its eyes on the Near East and a ‘coalition of the willing’ is being formed to try to withstand Assyria’s onslaught. Among other things, Israel’s inconsistent support for the resistance sometimes provokes raids from Aram and in one of these raids a young Israelite girl is captured and she becomes General Naaman’s wife’s servant.[1]
[1]R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Pradis CD-ROM:2 Kings/Exposition of Second Kings/6. The eras of Jehoram of the northern kingdom and Jehoram and Ahaziah of the southern kingdom (2:1-9:37)/c. Elisha's miracles (4:1-6:7)/(4) The restoration of Naaman (5:1-27), Book Version: 4.0.2
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
NO FEAR: 2 Kings 5 (PART I)
Today’s story is a very interesting story. It is a very famous story that involves some very famous people - General Naaman, the Commander of the Aramean army (2 Kings 5:1); Elisha, the prophet of God (2 Kings 1:3,8) and a couple of less famous characters: Naaman’s wife’s servant girl and Gehazi, Elisha’s servant. I invite you to read the whole story of Naaman as it is recorded in 2 Kings 5. Today, however, we are just going to look at the story as it relates to person of Naaman and the effect that the events recorded in the first few verses of Chapter 5 had on Joram, the King of Israel.
The story today opens up by introducing us to General Naaman: Verse 1, “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram….”
Today’s story is a very interesting story. It is a very famous story that involves some very famous people - General Naaman, the Commander of the Aramean army (2 Kings 5:1); Elisha, the prophet of God (2 Kings 1:3,8) and a couple of less famous characters: Naaman’s wife’s servant girl and Gehazi, Elisha’s servant. I invite you to read the whole story of Naaman as it is recorded in 2 Kings 5. Today, however, we are just going to look at the story as it relates to person of Naaman and the effect that the events recorded in the first few verses of Chapter 5 had on Joram, the King of Israel.
The story today opens up by introducing us to General Naaman: Verse 1, “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram….”
Salvation Army officers transfer from Nipawin
The Nipawin Journal
Updated 4 hours ago
The Salvation Army in Nipawin will be saying farewell to Captains Michael and Susan Ramsay this week, as they leave for their new assignment. After two years in Nipawin, the Ramsays have been transferred to the Salvation Army ministry in Swift Current. [
Read more: http://www.nipawinjournal.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1626379
Updated 4 hours ago
The Salvation Army in Nipawin will be saying farewell to Captains Michael and Susan Ramsay this week, as they leave for their new assignment. After two years in Nipawin, the Ramsays have been transferred to the Salvation Army ministry in Swift Current. [
Read more: http://www.nipawinjournal.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1626379
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The General's Pastoral Letter #11
Dear Fellow Salvationists,
This Pastoral Letter comes to you with my warmest greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ and with my prayers for each of you. The Lord is using the Army in wonderful ways. We seek to be faithful to the divine impulse to go out into the world representing Jesus Christ to all we meet. My constant prayer for you is that God will use you, just as he uses all who are faithful to him regardless of their denominational affiliation. My Fellow Salvationists, you are key players in a mighty Christian host of believers scattered across the globe. I hold you all before the Lord in prayer as I write to you. God has a part for you to play in his great plan of salvation.
The theme of this letter is Leadership.
There is a deep and true sense in which all Christians are leaders. Often we use the word 'leader' to mean a person in high position or with authority over others. This is a legitimate use of the word, but for now let me suggest that we can use it with a wider, more inclusive, meaning.
You are a leader just where God has placed you. You can influence other lives, leading people to consider the things of Christ. You can lead others into the realisation there is more to life than selfishness or the pursuit of pleasure. You can be the sanctified leader when someone suggests that you engage with them in some doubtful activity. You can lead when others do not sense someone's hurt, or another's need. You can take the lead when others stand by idly or are in confusion as to the way forward in a time of crisis.
To be a leader like this does not require a special rank or position, or any kind of formal authorisation. Each believer in Jesus is called to be a leader like this. All Christians are called to be leaders.
The very fact that we are known to be in the Army can sometimes make other people have expectations of us that mean we will often need to show initiative and leadership more than others. Our uniforms can result in expectations like this. There is a deep sense in which the wearing of Salvation Army uniform says to others that the wearer is ready to take responsibility in the unexpected moment, to take the lead in the unlikely situation.
In fact, there is a sense in which we are an Army of leaders. We each have a leadership function to carry out. Let us not minimise this or shrink from it out of shyness or fear. The Lord who calls us is able to accomplish through us everything he wills and wishes. The Holy Spirit is our guide and our helper.
Without diminishing in any way this 'leadership' role of all believers, let me also mention those who hold heavy leadership burdens in the Army because of their rank or appointment as officers. On Tuesday, 7 July 2009 London will host a gathering of the Army's most senior officers. An International Conference of Leaders like this takes place every few years. I seek your prayers for those who will gather with me. They are spiritual leaders like you, in the deep sense I have tried to outline above, but they are also leaders in the organisational sense in terms of the senior responsibilities they carry within the Army.
We shall number about 140 and will be together for seven days. Let me mention the two most important things we will do in that week: we will pray together, especially for you and your fellow Salvationists, and we will study the Scriptures together, waiting upon God for his divine direction and impulse.
We will also take a warm-hearted but hard-headed look at the state of the world, at the readiness of the Army in 118 countries to engage with the modern world, and at the need to see far into the future to discern God's way forward for his Salvation Army.
Please, please pray about this gathering. Let me give you the dates again: 7 - 13 July 2009. Perhaps you can enter these dates into your prayer diary or into your devotional schedule so that you can influence the deliberations through prayer. That would be wonderful! Perhaps you could covenant with the Lord to hold a particular participant, perhaps your own leader, before the Lord each day of the conference. What a difference you could make in that way!
God bless you in your own local leadership, both in your community and in your corps. Every soldier is a leader for God and the gospel. I pray that you will be used to lead others into faith in Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that you will be used to lead others eventually to their eternal reward when we shall see Jesus in Heaven. What a day that will be!
I commend you to the perfect love of Christ.
I pray for you daily.
Sincerely in Jesus,
Shaw Clifton
Dear Fellow Salvationists,
This Pastoral Letter comes to you with my warmest greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ and with my prayers for each of you. The Lord is using the Army in wonderful ways. We seek to be faithful to the divine impulse to go out into the world representing Jesus Christ to all we meet. My constant prayer for you is that God will use you, just as he uses all who are faithful to him regardless of their denominational affiliation. My Fellow Salvationists, you are key players in a mighty Christian host of believers scattered across the globe. I hold you all before the Lord in prayer as I write to you. God has a part for you to play in his great plan of salvation.
The theme of this letter is Leadership.
There is a deep and true sense in which all Christians are leaders. Often we use the word 'leader' to mean a person in high position or with authority over others. This is a legitimate use of the word, but for now let me suggest that we can use it with a wider, more inclusive, meaning.
You are a leader just where God has placed you. You can influence other lives, leading people to consider the things of Christ. You can lead others into the realisation there is more to life than selfishness or the pursuit of pleasure. You can be the sanctified leader when someone suggests that you engage with them in some doubtful activity. You can lead when others do not sense someone's hurt, or another's need. You can take the lead when others stand by idly or are in confusion as to the way forward in a time of crisis.
To be a leader like this does not require a special rank or position, or any kind of formal authorisation. Each believer in Jesus is called to be a leader like this. All Christians are called to be leaders.
The very fact that we are known to be in the Army can sometimes make other people have expectations of us that mean we will often need to show initiative and leadership more than others. Our uniforms can result in expectations like this. There is a deep sense in which the wearing of Salvation Army uniform says to others that the wearer is ready to take responsibility in the unexpected moment, to take the lead in the unlikely situation.
In fact, there is a sense in which we are an Army of leaders. We each have a leadership function to carry out. Let us not minimise this or shrink from it out of shyness or fear. The Lord who calls us is able to accomplish through us everything he wills and wishes. The Holy Spirit is our guide and our helper.
Without diminishing in any way this 'leadership' role of all believers, let me also mention those who hold heavy leadership burdens in the Army because of their rank or appointment as officers. On Tuesday, 7 July 2009 London will host a gathering of the Army's most senior officers. An International Conference of Leaders like this takes place every few years. I seek your prayers for those who will gather with me. They are spiritual leaders like you, in the deep sense I have tried to outline above, but they are also leaders in the organisational sense in terms of the senior responsibilities they carry within the Army.
We shall number about 140 and will be together for seven days. Let me mention the two most important things we will do in that week: we will pray together, especially for you and your fellow Salvationists, and we will study the Scriptures together, waiting upon God for his divine direction and impulse.
We will also take a warm-hearted but hard-headed look at the state of the world, at the readiness of the Army in 118 countries to engage with the modern world, and at the need to see far into the future to discern God's way forward for his Salvation Army.
Please, please pray about this gathering. Let me give you the dates again: 7 - 13 July 2009. Perhaps you can enter these dates into your prayer diary or into your devotional schedule so that you can influence the deliberations through prayer. That would be wonderful! Perhaps you could covenant with the Lord to hold a particular participant, perhaps your own leader, before the Lord each day of the conference. What a difference you could make in that way!
God bless you in your own local leadership, both in your community and in your corps. Every soldier is a leader for God and the gospel. I pray that you will be used to lead others into faith in Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that you will be used to lead others eventually to their eternal reward when we shall see Jesus in Heaven. What a day that will be!
I commend you to the perfect love of Christ.
I pray for you daily.
Sincerely in Jesus,
Shaw Clifton
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Fathers Day
Father’s Day is always neat. It is a chance to celebrate with our kids and our fathers and reflect upon some of the commonalities, some of the joys and some of the fun stories. I can remember when I was a child about Sarah-Grace’s age: my dad was my soccer coach. These days another parent and I have been coaching Sarah-Grace’s team. Last year I co-coached with Bryan Hildebrandt, Len and Gladys’ son. Now I’m not necessarily the most reliable coach in that every once and a while I get called away to an emergency or something and I remember last year with Bryan having never coached before, he was hoping to learn a little from me (of all people) only to have me called away on the very first day of the season for Emergency Disaster Relief work of some sort. He had a baptism by fire as it were and he did great. I’m also sure that now that he is a much better coach then am I too.
I think of my role out there as more of an encourager than a coach per sae. I like to try to rally the troops and cheer the team on - celebrate their successes with them. I find myself often calling out from the sidelines ‘Go so and so go!’ ‘Go score a goal!’ or ‘pass to so and so, she’s open’ or more commonly, ‘Goalie wake up!’ ‘Goalie, don’t lie on the ground!’ or ‘Goalie, stop talking to your friend and untangle yourself from the net – the ball is coming’… encouragements like that.
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/06/matthew-2133-46-john-31617-tenant.html
I think of my role out there as more of an encourager than a coach per sae. I like to try to rally the troops and cheer the team on - celebrate their successes with them. I find myself often calling out from the sidelines ‘Go so and so go!’ ‘Go score a goal!’ or ‘pass to so and so, she’s open’ or more commonly, ‘Goalie wake up!’ ‘Goalie, don’t lie on the ground!’ or ‘Goalie, stop talking to your friend and untangle yourself from the net – the ball is coming’… encouragements like that.
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/06/matthew-2133-46-john-31617-tenant.html
U.S. presses China over internet filtering system
The United States has expressed concern to Beijing over China's new effort to censor internet use
China, which has the world's largest population of internet users at more than 298 million, also has one of the world's tightest controls over the internet. The government bans online pornography and this year launched a nationwide crackdown that led to the closing of more than 1,900 websites.
from CBC.ca
Question: Why is it bad to protect our children from internet pornography?
I don't understand the hypocritical stances ofwestern governments re: the internet. It is still acceptable to protect our children from pornography on TV, radio, and print...but not the internet. This is ridiculous. Let's hope that we can defend our freedom from pornography in those other areas and maybe eventually extend it to the internet as well.
Christianity is on the rise in China. Christianity is on the decline in the West.
China, which has the world's largest population of internet users at more than 298 million, also has one of the world's tightest controls over the internet. The government bans online pornography and this year launched a nationwide crackdown that led to the closing of more than 1,900 websites.
from CBC.ca
Question: Why is it bad to protect our children from internet pornography?
I don't understand the hypocritical stances ofwestern governments re: the internet. It is still acceptable to protect our children from pornography on TV, radio, and print...but not the internet. This is ridiculous. Let's hope that we can defend our freedom from pornography in those other areas and maybe eventually extend it to the internet as well.
Christianity is on the rise in China. Christianity is on the decline in the West.
Friday, June 19, 2009
World hunger 'hits one billion'
Most of the world's undernourished live in developing countries One billion people throughout the world suffer from hunger, a figure which has increased by 100 million because of the global financial crisis, says the UN.
read more from the BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8109698.stm
read more from the BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8109698.stm
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Spirit at Handi-Works
Yesterday there was a celebration of 25 years of Handi-Works in our community and all that God has used that organization to do in so many people’s lives. It is uplifting to see that the event was opened with grace and closed after re-dedicating Hand-Works and their people and their work before the Lord in His service to the community.
It is neat to note as well that the word for ‘spirit’ many places in the scriptures, including creation and Pentecost, the word for ‘spirit’ - when God, the Holy Spirit shows up at these events - the word to describe Him is exactly the same as the word (in each the Hebrew and the Greek) as the word for ‘wind’ (Acts 2; Gen 1:2; cf. Eze 37:9, 14; Jn 3:8) and I can testify that there was plenty of wind, that filled that whole tent of the meeting as God was present Wednesday evening. I was so pleased to see how our Heavenly Father was involved in the ceremony from the opening grace to the official re-dedication in His name. It is important to honour our Heavenly Father for what He does in our lives and our community.
It is neat to note as well that the word for ‘spirit’ many places in the scriptures, including creation and Pentecost, the word for ‘spirit’ - when God, the Holy Spirit shows up at these events - the word to describe Him is exactly the same as the word (in each the Hebrew and the Greek) as the word for ‘wind’ (Acts 2; Gen 1:2; cf. Eze 37:9, 14; Jn 3:8) and I can testify that there was plenty of wind, that filled that whole tent of the meeting as God was present Wednesday evening. I was so pleased to see how our Heavenly Father was involved in the ceremony from the opening grace to the official re-dedication in His name. It is important to honour our Heavenly Father for what He does in our lives and our community.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Q: Who said, " "I hate politics and what are considered their appropriate methods....and everything that I know of that is apparently the necessary incident of politics "

A: The first Canadian born Prime Minister, Sir John Abbot, just prior to assuming the job of PM on this day in 1891
read more: http://archives.cbc.ca/on_this_day/06/16/
Monday, June 15, 2009
Praise the Lord!
Screaming kids foil abduction attempt on girl, 6, in Winnipeg
Last Updated: Monday, June 15, 2009 10:17 AM CT
CBC News
A man who attempted to abduct a six-year-old girl who was climbing a tree with friends Friday in Winnipeg's Sturgeon Creek area took off after the kids started screaming.
Police said the girl and three of her friends were climbing a tree at around 5 p.m. when a man approached and tried to pull her out of the tree. He tried three times, but when the kids began to scream for help, the man fled, police said.
The girl was not physically hurt in the incident.
"We just want to remind parents to talk to their kids about these types of events," said Const. Jacquie Chaput. "They do happen and we'd all like to protect and shield our kids from them. The more informed and educated our children are, the easier it will be for them to protect themselves if they're ever faced with this type of similar event."
The suspect is reported to be 5-foot-9, with a thin build, short spiky black hair and missing an upper tooth.
Anyone with information is asked to call police at (204) 986-6245, or Crime Stoppers at (204) 786-8477 (TIPS).
Last Updated: Monday, June 15, 2009 10:17 AM CT
CBC News
A man who attempted to abduct a six-year-old girl who was climbing a tree with friends Friday in Winnipeg's Sturgeon Creek area took off after the kids started screaming.
Police said the girl and three of her friends were climbing a tree at around 5 p.m. when a man approached and tried to pull her out of the tree. He tried three times, but when the kids began to scream for help, the man fled, police said.
The girl was not physically hurt in the incident.
"We just want to remind parents to talk to their kids about these types of events," said Const. Jacquie Chaput. "They do happen and we'd all like to protect and shield our kids from them. The more informed and educated our children are, the easier it will be for them to protect themselves if they're ever faced with this type of similar event."
The suspect is reported to be 5-foot-9, with a thin build, short spiky black hair and missing an upper tooth.
Anyone with information is asked to call police at (204) 986-6245, or Crime Stoppers at (204) 786-8477 (TIPS).
from armybarmy
Years ago there was a terrible massacre that left a scar on the psyche of the nation. When family members were allowed back into the crime zone there were a hoard of government trained professional counsellors prepared to meet with them. Every single person veered off to speak with the uniformed salvos and left the pros twiddling their thumbs.
On a similar note, at a big conference met on suicide. Hundreds of the country's experts were gathered. One lady showed up who though the conference was for those tempted to commit suicide. She went to the front and began to tell her story, asking for help. The leader looked out over the crowd and asked the uniformed salvationist to come and help the lady.
Soldier up.
All kinds of people want to get saved. Try to pitch them a clear and convincing gospel today.
God is here.
God help us all be humble.
Much grace,
from www.armybarmy.com
On a similar note, at a big conference met on suicide. Hundreds of the country's experts were gathered. One lady showed up who though the conference was for those tempted to commit suicide. She went to the front and began to tell her story, asking for help. The leader looked out over the crowd and asked the uniformed salvationist to come and help the lady.
Soldier up.
All kinds of people want to get saved. Try to pitch them a clear and convincing gospel today.
God is here.
God help us all be humble.
Much grace,
from www.armybarmy.com
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Relying on God in church sanctuary
By Linette Schut
MORE THAN 100 people crowded the small lawn in front of First Lutheran Church in east Vancouver June 6. As a family appeared in the doorway of the church, the crowd cheered.
"Let Mikhail go free!" cried a loud voice above the applause.
Mikhail Lennikov, his wife Irina and his 17-year-old son Dmitri have been living with the threat of deportation for almost a decade. After years of fighting to stay in Canada, Mikhail, a former KGB agent, has finally been ordered to leave the country.
Rather than return to Russia and be permanently separated from his family, Mikhail has taken up sanctuary at First Lutheran Church, living in a small room in the church basement -- unable to leave the building. The Lennikovs are members of the church, and Mikhail has been welcomed by the whole congregation to stay in the building until he is permitted to return to his wife and son at their home in Burnaby.
The Lennikovs were calm when they spoke to CC.com on the day of the rally. "How am I able to keep this composure?" asked Mikhail. "I have a good teacher: Jesus Christ."
read more: http://www.canadianchristianity.com/nationalupdates/090611kgb.html
By Linette Schut
MORE THAN 100 people crowded the small lawn in front of First Lutheran Church in east Vancouver June 6. As a family appeared in the doorway of the church, the crowd cheered.
"Let Mikhail go free!" cried a loud voice above the applause.
Mikhail Lennikov, his wife Irina and his 17-year-old son Dmitri have been living with the threat of deportation for almost a decade. After years of fighting to stay in Canada, Mikhail, a former KGB agent, has finally been ordered to leave the country.
Rather than return to Russia and be permanently separated from his family, Mikhail has taken up sanctuary at First Lutheran Church, living in a small room in the church basement -- unable to leave the building. The Lennikovs are members of the church, and Mikhail has been welcomed by the whole congregation to stay in the building until he is permitted to return to his wife and son at their home in Burnaby.
The Lennikovs were calm when they spoke to CC.com on the day of the rally. "How am I able to keep this composure?" asked Mikhail. "I have a good teacher: Jesus Christ."
read more: http://www.canadianchristianity.com/nationalupdates/090611kgb.html
Luke 8:1-18: The Jesus Show
Presented to each the Nipawin and Tisdale Corps
15 July 2007, by Captain Michael Ramsay
Now there is no doubt that Jesus was smart. He is after all the Son of God. Even as a child he is learned enough to discourse (Luke 2:41ff) with the priests in the temple, later of his teaching, etc, he has followers, disciples, of whom he chooses 12 to be apostles (Lk 6:12-14; Mt 10:1-4; Mk 3:13-14). He is also able to hold his own in many debates and conflicts with the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Priests – the legal, intellectual, and religious leaders of his day. But here is the thing. He didn’t choose to be a lawyer; he doesn’t choose to be an academic; he doesn’t choose to be a priest. He chooses to reach the mass market instead. Sort of like – I never really thought of the comparison before but (in this way) sort of like John Clease.
If you aren’t already looking at Luke, Chapter 8, I invite you to turn to it now.Now Jesus was very popular and –just like today’s TV shows – he had many regular followers (verse 4). There were many people who would actually follow Jesus around from town to town as he taught. They would be like the regular viewers of THE JESUS SHOW ... with such sensational acts as turning water into wine, feeding the 4 or 5 thousand, healing the lame and casting demons into pigs and much, much more…tune in next week…and he had many regular followers that did: they followed him from town to town. And a good number of them, like it says in verse 2 and 3, were women and they were so devoted that they even provided for him out of their own resources.
Now, Jesus consciously chose not to speak exclusively in the intellectual language of his time and he chose not to appeal directly only to the elite of society. He chose instead to speak in the language that would attract the common people, the mass market. His message, particularly in Luke’s account, as we’ve discussed previously was for the poor, the needy and the oppressed. And for most of its history until (the second temple was destroyed and) the people finally dispersed in 70 AD, this was the bulk of Hebrews, Israelites, and Judeans.Even though Jesus has a big following, and just like I don’t always understand what is going on in some of these talk shows and reality shows today, people didn’t always get what Jesus was saying and the many of the intellectual big wigs certainly did not even want to understand. If you look at verse 10 with me, Jesus is quoting Isaiah (Isaiah –6:9-10) and it says there that ‘to you (his disciples, the one’s following him – the regular viewers if you like, the one’s who would never miss the JESUS SHOW.) "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that "looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not understand.' Now, there is so much to this verse actually. More than I can possible go into here but suffice it to say for now, that this passage quoted from Isaiah is one of the signs pointing to Jesus as the Christ, The Messiah, the Anointed one of God – and not everyone / not everyone / understands…
Well, so do we understand?
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2007/08/luke-81-18-jesus-show.html
15 July 2007, by Captain Michael Ramsay
Now there is no doubt that Jesus was smart. He is after all the Son of God. Even as a child he is learned enough to discourse (Luke 2:41ff) with the priests in the temple, later of his teaching, etc, he has followers, disciples, of whom he chooses 12 to be apostles (Lk 6:12-14; Mt 10:1-4; Mk 3:13-14). He is also able to hold his own in many debates and conflicts with the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Priests – the legal, intellectual, and religious leaders of his day. But here is the thing. He didn’t choose to be a lawyer; he doesn’t choose to be an academic; he doesn’t choose to be a priest. He chooses to reach the mass market instead. Sort of like – I never really thought of the comparison before but (in this way) sort of like John Clease.
If you aren’t already looking at Luke, Chapter 8, I invite you to turn to it now.Now Jesus was very popular and –just like today’s TV shows – he had many regular followers (verse 4). There were many people who would actually follow Jesus around from town to town as he taught. They would be like the regular viewers of THE JESUS SHOW ... with such sensational acts as turning water into wine, feeding the 4 or 5 thousand, healing the lame and casting demons into pigs and much, much more…tune in next week…and he had many regular followers that did: they followed him from town to town. And a good number of them, like it says in verse 2 and 3, were women and they were so devoted that they even provided for him out of their own resources.
Now, Jesus consciously chose not to speak exclusively in the intellectual language of his time and he chose not to appeal directly only to the elite of society. He chose instead to speak in the language that would attract the common people, the mass market. His message, particularly in Luke’s account, as we’ve discussed previously was for the poor, the needy and the oppressed. And for most of its history until (the second temple was destroyed and) the people finally dispersed in 70 AD, this was the bulk of Hebrews, Israelites, and Judeans.Even though Jesus has a big following, and just like I don’t always understand what is going on in some of these talk shows and reality shows today, people didn’t always get what Jesus was saying and the many of the intellectual big wigs certainly did not even want to understand. If you look at verse 10 with me, Jesus is quoting Isaiah (Isaiah –6:9-10) and it says there that ‘to you (his disciples, the one’s following him – the regular viewers if you like, the one’s who would never miss the JESUS SHOW.) "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that "looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not understand.' Now, there is so much to this verse actually. More than I can possible go into here but suffice it to say for now, that this passage quoted from Isaiah is one of the signs pointing to Jesus as the Christ, The Messiah, the Anointed one of God – and not everyone / not everyone / understands…
Well, so do we understand?
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2007/08/luke-81-18-jesus-show.html
Christ's return and the 7 P’s of Pi
Presented to the Nipawin Corps 14 December 2008
by Captain Michael Ramsay
I don’t know if you have ever seen those motivational speakers on TV or in person. I have had some jobs in the past where they send someone in to rally the troops. They usually have – in the old days flip charts – these days PPT or DVD, lots of props and some way that they want you to remember what it is they are trying to motivate you to do. Sometimes it is just repetition.[1]
One thing that people often use is acronyms – you spell out a word and every letter stands for something else. Here I’ll give you some famous acronyms and you tell me if you know what they mean:1) ASAP 2) NATO 3) NHL 4) MYOB 5) TSA
Sometimes they just have a list with each item in the list staring with the same letter or sound like – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Four H, or can anyone tell me the 3 R’s from school? Notice that only one of them starts with R. Who can tell me what that one is?
Paul here in our scripture passage today uses some of these very techniques and in the section that we are looking at Paul gives us the 7 Ps (Pi) of preparing for Christ’s return.[2] Now Paul knows that Jesus may come back at any moment and so he comes up with this way for us to remember how to be prepared for this event.The First P is… Rejoice Always – In Greek it starts with a P – or a Pi anyway, the Greek equivalent of our P. So the first P (or piece of Pi) is Rejoice Always.
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2008/12/1-thessalonians-516-22-23-7-ps-and-pi.html
The 7 pi's of preparing for Christ's return:
P1 = Rejoice always
P2 = Pray without ceasing
P3 = Give thanks in all circumstances
P4 = Do not quench the Spirit
P5 = Do not despise the words of the prophets
P6 = But test everything, hold onto what is good
P7 = Abstain from every form of evil
by Captain Michael Ramsay
I don’t know if you have ever seen those motivational speakers on TV or in person. I have had some jobs in the past where they send someone in to rally the troops. They usually have – in the old days flip charts – these days PPT or DVD, lots of props and some way that they want you to remember what it is they are trying to motivate you to do. Sometimes it is just repetition.[1]
One thing that people often use is acronyms – you spell out a word and every letter stands for something else. Here I’ll give you some famous acronyms and you tell me if you know what they mean:1) ASAP 2) NATO 3) NHL 4) MYOB 5) TSA
Sometimes they just have a list with each item in the list staring with the same letter or sound like – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Four H, or can anyone tell me the 3 R’s from school? Notice that only one of them starts with R. Who can tell me what that one is?
Paul here in our scripture passage today uses some of these very techniques and in the section that we are looking at Paul gives us the 7 Ps (Pi) of preparing for Christ’s return.[2] Now Paul knows that Jesus may come back at any moment and so he comes up with this way for us to remember how to be prepared for this event.The First P is… Rejoice Always – In Greek it starts with a P – or a Pi anyway, the Greek equivalent of our P. So the first P (or piece of Pi) is Rejoice Always.
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2008/12/1-thessalonians-516-22-23-7-ps-and-pi.html
The 7 pi's of preparing for Christ's return:
P1 = Rejoice always
P2 = Pray without ceasing
P3 = Give thanks in all circumstances
P4 = Do not quench the Spirit
P5 = Do not despise the words of the prophets
P6 = But test everything, hold onto what is good
P7 = Abstain from every form of evil
Atheists targeting children:
Atheists are targeting UK schools in a campaign designed to challenge Christian societies, collective worship and religious education.
By Jonathan Wynne-Jones,
Religious Affairs Correspondent
Published: 9:00PM BST 25 Apr 2009
The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) plans to launch a recruitment drive this summer.
Backed by professors Richard Dawkins and AC Grayling, the initiative aims to establish a network of atheist societies in schools to counter the role of Christianity.
..."Atheists are becoming increasingly militant in their desperate attempts to stamp out faith. It is deeply worrying that they now want to use children to attack the Christian ethos of their schools.
"Many parents will also be anxious at the thought of militant atheists targeting their children."
In a further development to strengthen the role of atheism among the younger generation, the first summer camp for irreligious children or the children of nontheistic parents is being held this summer.
read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/5219687/Atheists-target-UK-schools.html
By Jonathan Wynne-Jones,
Religious Affairs Correspondent
Published: 9:00PM BST 25 Apr 2009
The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) plans to launch a recruitment drive this summer.
Backed by professors Richard Dawkins and AC Grayling, the initiative aims to establish a network of atheist societies in schools to counter the role of Christianity.
..."Atheists are becoming increasingly militant in their desperate attempts to stamp out faith. It is deeply worrying that they now want to use children to attack the Christian ethos of their schools.
"Many parents will also be anxious at the thought of militant atheists targeting their children."
In a further development to strengthen the role of atheism among the younger generation, the first summer camp for irreligious children or the children of nontheistic parents is being held this summer.
read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/5219687/Atheists-target-UK-schools.html
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Why do I turn to substances for help?
By Captain Michael Ramsay
Nipawin Journal
December 2007.
This is a question that I have actually heard quite a bit in my life. I was privileged to be invited to a birthday party at AA recently and at these celebrations one hears, among other things, the remarkable stories of success as the Lord delivers people from our addictions.
Prior to coming here we served in Winnipeg’s North End, Stony Mountain Penitentiary, and Vancouver’s downtown eastside with The Salvation Army. There are many stories. Some are of wonderful successes as the Lord transforms lives and some are of daily struggles that continue for a lifetime.
I think of friends from our time on Vancouver Island. The day she and her husband accepted the Lord she stood up sober and never turned back. He has fought almost everyday to defend his sobriety: It is a struggle.
To some of us, substances possess a Siren-like song: this song has such a powerful draw. In Greek mythology, the Sirens are creatures with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. They live on islands and with their irresistible song lure mariners to their destruction as they crash on the rocks near their island.
We have seen people as young as elementary school age who have been tempted by this Siren song to a slow (or quick) slide into ‘skid row’ and many of my friends from prison wound up there, in part, because they succumbed to substance’s Siren song; for them the Siren’s song ended in the song of sirens coming to take them away.
Myself even, I confess, there are days when a part of me would really like the temporary release that substances seem to offer but, with the Lord’s help, I will continue to persevere and I will finish the race – clean.
I have a friend who continuously asks me if it ever gets easy; I have another friend who reminds me that it is just one day at a time. One thing that I have noticed about substances and other struggles in our lives is that the more we turn to the Lord, the easier it becomes to resist temptation and on the days when we lose the battle with temptation, it is very important that we don’t surrender the war. With the Lord, our walk truly is one day at a time.
Nipawin Journal
December 2007.
This is a question that I have actually heard quite a bit in my life. I was privileged to be invited to a birthday party at AA recently and at these celebrations one hears, among other things, the remarkable stories of success as the Lord delivers people from our addictions.
Prior to coming here we served in Winnipeg’s North End, Stony Mountain Penitentiary, and Vancouver’s downtown eastside with The Salvation Army. There are many stories. Some are of wonderful successes as the Lord transforms lives and some are of daily struggles that continue for a lifetime.
I think of friends from our time on Vancouver Island. The day she and her husband accepted the Lord she stood up sober and never turned back. He has fought almost everyday to defend his sobriety: It is a struggle.
To some of us, substances possess a Siren-like song: this song has such a powerful draw. In Greek mythology, the Sirens are creatures with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. They live on islands and with their irresistible song lure mariners to their destruction as they crash on the rocks near their island.
We have seen people as young as elementary school age who have been tempted by this Siren song to a slow (or quick) slide into ‘skid row’ and many of my friends from prison wound up there, in part, because they succumbed to substance’s Siren song; for them the Siren’s song ended in the song of sirens coming to take them away.
Myself even, I confess, there are days when a part of me would really like the temporary release that substances seem to offer but, with the Lord’s help, I will continue to persevere and I will finish the race – clean.
I have a friend who continuously asks me if it ever gets easy; I have another friend who reminds me that it is just one day at a time. One thing that I have noticed about substances and other struggles in our lives is that the more we turn to the Lord, the easier it becomes to resist temptation and on the days when we lose the battle with temptation, it is very important that we don’t surrender the war. With the Lord, our walk truly is one day at a time.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Genesis 1 ... like peeling a banana
Stepping out into the wilderness is like peeling a banana. You see much of our life has become peels hiding the beauty of the fruit of the Lord’s creation beneath them. Our cities and towns have added ever so many peels, so many layers atop of God’s creation. We have our warm houses, our fancy cars, pavement, telephone poles and wires obscuring the view and in this area we even have quads (ATVs), sleds (snowmobiles) and some pretty fancy farm machinery that makes life easier but also changes the way we’d otherwise work and play.
Not only this but in our society today we have the imaginary worlds of television, games, the internet and other entertainment avenues providing a further peel of escape from the realities of God’s creation.
We have social barriers that create peels obscuring God’s creation as well. Our education systems sometimes let us think that we have solved most of the world’s mysteries all on our own. Our political system lets us believe that we have absolute control over our own destiny, that we should actually do as we see fit in our own eyes (Judges 21:25). We seem to believe that the majority is right the majority of the time. Culturally as we move further and further from God’s creation physically, emotionally, intellectually and practically, we seem to be enticed more and more to believe that old serpent’s lie that as humankind evolves our ‘eyes will be opened, and we will be like God’ (Genesis 3:5). Stepping out into God’s creation is like peeling off the rind, taking off the peel of society and tasting the fruit of the LORD.
Not only this but in our society today we have the imaginary worlds of television, games, the internet and other entertainment avenues providing a further peel of escape from the realities of God’s creation.
We have social barriers that create peels obscuring God’s creation as well. Our education systems sometimes let us think that we have solved most of the world’s mysteries all on our own. Our political system lets us believe that we have absolute control over our own destiny, that we should actually do as we see fit in our own eyes (Judges 21:25). We seem to believe that the majority is right the majority of the time. Culturally as we move further and further from God’s creation physically, emotionally, intellectually and practically, we seem to be enticed more and more to believe that old serpent’s lie that as humankind evolves our ‘eyes will be opened, and we will be like God’ (Genesis 3:5). Stepping out into God’s creation is like peeling off the rind, taking off the peel of society and tasting the fruit of the LORD.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
The Law: Protection from the Storm? - Gal 3
I look at the historical role of the Law like this[6]: The Law is sort of like a storm cellar – remember the Wizard of Oz? It is a place to hide when the storm kicks up - a place of refuge. When humankind started sinning (vs. 19), sin entered the world like a tornado bringing death and destruction to everything in its path. It says right in verse 19 of Galatians 3 that the Law was given to us as a result of our transgressions (Cf. Ro 5:20).
There is this storm of sin and death kicking up out there. People are dying, literally, and so God builds this storm cellar, in the form of the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments, for their own protection. He builds the Law as a shelter from this storm of sin and death and He gives it to Moses and says to him, “Here, in there, take everyone in with you. Quick. Hurry!”Moses does and the people remain in this safe, albeit somewhat cramped and confining, shelter for a long time and then something happens…Jesus, through His death and resurrection, Jesus defeats Sin. JESUS calms the storm. It is over. As JESUS said on the cross, “It is finished.”
So now the storm is over. It is finished and Jesus, through His death and resurrection, Jesus has freed us from the storm cellar as the storm is finished. We no longer need to remain in the storm cellar of the Law. It kept us safe for a while but it is of no use to us now, sin and death – the storm – has been defeated.
So, while the storm is whipping around outside we are all very grateful if we can find shelter in the Law but who of us, after the tornado had passed wants to continue to live in a hole in the ground? No one…No one in her right mind anyway.
This is exactly what Paul is talking about here in Galatians Chapter 3. And in Chapter 4, he goes on explaining the Law as if it were this servant guardian tutor of a small child. The guardian only has any authority until the child is grown, then the child has authority over the slave. We are no longer servants to the Law, customs and ceremonies… while we are grateful for the shelter God provided through the Law, we are especially thankful now that he has freed us from that hole in the ground.
read more from the sermon on Galatians 3:19-25: Mick the Galatian Chicken.
There is this storm of sin and death kicking up out there. People are dying, literally, and so God builds this storm cellar, in the form of the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments, for their own protection. He builds the Law as a shelter from this storm of sin and death and He gives it to Moses and says to him, “Here, in there, take everyone in with you. Quick. Hurry!”Moses does and the people remain in this safe, albeit somewhat cramped and confining, shelter for a long time and then something happens…Jesus, through His death and resurrection, Jesus defeats Sin. JESUS calms the storm. It is over. As JESUS said on the cross, “It is finished.”
So now the storm is over. It is finished and Jesus, through His death and resurrection, Jesus has freed us from the storm cellar as the storm is finished. We no longer need to remain in the storm cellar of the Law. It kept us safe for a while but it is of no use to us now, sin and death – the storm – has been defeated.
So, while the storm is whipping around outside we are all very grateful if we can find shelter in the Law but who of us, after the tornado had passed wants to continue to live in a hole in the ground? No one…No one in her right mind anyway.
This is exactly what Paul is talking about here in Galatians Chapter 3. And in Chapter 4, he goes on explaining the Law as if it were this servant guardian tutor of a small child. The guardian only has any authority until the child is grown, then the child has authority over the slave. We are no longer servants to the Law, customs and ceremonies… while we are grateful for the shelter God provided through the Law, we are especially thankful now that he has freed us from that hole in the ground.
read more from the sermon on Galatians 3:19-25: Mick the Galatian Chicken.
Friends don’t let Friends go to Hell
by Michael Ramsay
Journal of Aggressive Christianity, Issue 41, February 2006 – March 2006 (pp. 34-36)
Part 1: Aggressive Christianity vs. Friendship Evangelism
Most of the people that I have heard extol the virtues of Friendship evangelism practice no evangelism at all".
I was speaking with Peter Unya today, a good friend of mine that I haven’t heard from in awhile. He was telling me that "a friendship evangelist is neither [a friend nor an evangelist]" and that they "may be Christians but they certainly aren’t Salvationists". Pete is a smart guy. I think he made some good points in our discussion. Let me try to communicate what he was saying in Mike language.
His argument was that the people he had come across in his life who were opposed to open evangelism often claimed that they preferred ’friendship evangelism’. I believe that he was in a discussion with a ’friendship evangelist’ before we talked today and that set him off with the wonderfully passionate quotes that opened this article.
read more: http://www.sheepspeak.com/Michael_Ramsay_JAC.htm#Friends don’t let Friends go to Hell
Click the links below and
Read more of Michael Ramsay's writing's in JAC
Read more from this issue of JAC
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Journal of Aggressive Christianity, Issue 41, February 2006 – March 2006 (pp. 34-36)
Part 1: Aggressive Christianity vs. Friendship Evangelism
Most of the people that I have heard extol the virtues of Friendship evangelism practice no evangelism at all".
I was speaking with Peter Unya today, a good friend of mine that I haven’t heard from in awhile. He was telling me that "a friendship evangelist is neither [a friend nor an evangelist]" and that they "may be Christians but they certainly aren’t Salvationists". Pete is a smart guy. I think he made some good points in our discussion. Let me try to communicate what he was saying in Mike language.
His argument was that the people he had come across in his life who were opposed to open evangelism often claimed that they preferred ’friendship evangelism’. I believe that he was in a discussion with a ’friendship evangelist’ before we talked today and that set him off with the wonderfully passionate quotes that opened this article.
read more: http://www.sheepspeak.com/Michael_Ramsay_JAC.htm#Friends don’t let Friends go to Hell
Click the links below and
Read more of Michael Ramsay's writing's in JAC
Read more from this issue of JAC
Read the most recent JAC
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Should We Tolerate Legalized Prostitution?
From God's Politics: a blog from Jim Wallis and friends
by Danielle Strickland 06-01-2009
(Hat tip armybarmy's blog)
This week has been eventful in Australia. At the launch of The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal — a new fund-raising initiative — a group of sex workers from Scarlett Alliance (a local sex workers collective) stormed the event as a public protest against The Salvation Army. They were upset over one of the ads for the Red Shield appeal, which featured the story of a male prostitute stuck in a terrible situation including drug addiction. The Salvation Army flew him to a detox and treatment program and now he testifies to a better life. The suggestion that if you give to The Salvation Army you are helping others like him was offensive to the sex workers.
read more: http://blog.sojo.net/2009/06/01/should-we-tolerate-legalized-prostitution/
by Danielle Strickland 06-01-2009
(Hat tip armybarmy's blog)
This week has been eventful in Australia. At the launch of The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal — a new fund-raising initiative — a group of sex workers from Scarlett Alliance (a local sex workers collective) stormed the event as a public protest against The Salvation Army. They were upset over one of the ads for the Red Shield appeal, which featured the story of a male prostitute stuck in a terrible situation including drug addiction. The Salvation Army flew him to a detox and treatment program and now he testifies to a better life. The suggestion that if you give to The Salvation Army you are helping others like him was offensive to the sex workers.
read more: http://blog.sojo.net/2009/06/01/should-we-tolerate-legalized-prostitution/
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
JAC Online
Editorial Introduction
by Major Willis Howell and Cadet Aaron Abram
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
This issue of JAC may look and read a little differently to you than past issues. Why? In a JAC first, Issue 61 features writers from the USA Southern Territory.
As you will notice, the topics covered span a wide range of current discussions across the Salvosphere. And as you look over the names of the various authors, we think you will enjoy the blend of several familiar names mixed in with some exciting new contributors who add their thoughts and voices to the ongoing Army dialogue.
Regular readers of the JAC will know that current thoughts on Salvationism are frequently presented in the Journal. Various aspects of this topic put forward in this issue by Major Willis Howell, Captain Kelly Goldfarb, Captain Marion Platt and Kelly Pope. Lieutenant Jimmy Taylor wonders about the balance between “Blood,” and “Fire.”
Do your interests include expressions of incarnational ministry, or the prophetic role of the Army? Captain Sandra Pobjie-Pawar gives us an unvarnished view of ministry from her inner-city, frontline vantage point, while Captain Anthony Juliana speaks to the importance of the Army’s prophetic voice in today’s world. Cadet Andrea Hoover shares her thoughts on Women in Leadership, and Cadet Michal Chapman offers an interesting perspective on dependence.
Captain Jonathan Gainey, Captain Melanie Falin, and Jason Pope put missions and evangelism in the spotlight, Cadet Aaron Abram debates status-quo vs. adaptation in Salvation Army programs, Gabriella Broome gives a timely reminder of our responsibility to pass on a deep faith to the next generation and Sergeant Cory Harrison shines an interestingly different light on tithing.
Let me offer my thanks to Captain Stephen Court for taking us up on our idea of an entire issue of the JAC coming from one territory. Wouldn’t it be something if the idea caught on?! And an extra special word of appreciation also goes to Cadet Aaron Abram for his excellent work in tending to the details and layout that have brought this project through to completion. You have a fine mind and a passionate heart, Aaron. Continue to use them both in service to God to communicate life-changing truth in a compelling way.
Read, enjoy, and be encouraged. And may God fan the flame of Salvationist mission as you continue to fight on your front!
read this issue: http://www.armybarmy.com/jac.html
Editorial Introduction
by Major Willis Howell and Cadet Aaron Abram
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
This issue of JAC may look and read a little differently to you than past issues. Why? In a JAC first, Issue 61 features writers from the USA Southern Territory.
As you will notice, the topics covered span a wide range of current discussions across the Salvosphere. And as you look over the names of the various authors, we think you will enjoy the blend of several familiar names mixed in with some exciting new contributors who add their thoughts and voices to the ongoing Army dialogue.
Regular readers of the JAC will know that current thoughts on Salvationism are frequently presented in the Journal. Various aspects of this topic put forward in this issue by Major Willis Howell, Captain Kelly Goldfarb, Captain Marion Platt and Kelly Pope. Lieutenant Jimmy Taylor wonders about the balance between “Blood,” and “Fire.”
Do your interests include expressions of incarnational ministry, or the prophetic role of the Army? Captain Sandra Pobjie-Pawar gives us an unvarnished view of ministry from her inner-city, frontline vantage point, while Captain Anthony Juliana speaks to the importance of the Army’s prophetic voice in today’s world. Cadet Andrea Hoover shares her thoughts on Women in Leadership, and Cadet Michal Chapman offers an interesting perspective on dependence.
Captain Jonathan Gainey, Captain Melanie Falin, and Jason Pope put missions and evangelism in the spotlight, Cadet Aaron Abram debates status-quo vs. adaptation in Salvation Army programs, Gabriella Broome gives a timely reminder of our responsibility to pass on a deep faith to the next generation and Sergeant Cory Harrison shines an interestingly different light on tithing.
Let me offer my thanks to Captain Stephen Court for taking us up on our idea of an entire issue of the JAC coming from one territory. Wouldn’t it be something if the idea caught on?! And an extra special word of appreciation also goes to Cadet Aaron Abram for his excellent work in tending to the details and layout that have brought this project through to completion. You have a fine mind and a passionate heart, Aaron. Continue to use them both in service to God to communicate life-changing truth in a compelling way.
Read, enjoy, and be encouraged. And may God fan the flame of Salvationist mission as you continue to fight on your front!
read this issue: http://www.armybarmy.com/jac.html
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Alberta allows parents to protect kids...
Alberta passes law allowing parents to pull kids out of class
Written notice required when sex, sexual orientation, religion are covered
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:26 AM ET
CBC News
Alberta legislators passed legislation early Tuesday that will give parents the option of pulling their children out of class when lessons on sex, religion or sexual orientation are being taught.
The Alberta legislature held a seven-hour debate on Bill 44 Monday night before it passed third and final reading about 1:30 a.m. MT (3:30 a.m. ET) Tuesday.
A clause in the bill, which is an amendment to the province's human rights legislation, requires that school boards give parents written notice when controversial topics are going to be covered in the curriculum. Parents can then ask for their child to be excluded from the discussion.
read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/06/02/alberta-human-rights-school-gay-education-law.html
This is good and this is an important first step. At present in our allegedly multi-cultural mosaic of a country, I don't think the state should be allowed to indoctrinate children in its chosen religion (secular-atheism right now) against the wishes of the parents.
In a pluralist society, if secularist values are going to be taught in the schools then mustn't Christian, Muslim, and other values also be taught? Why does it seem that in some places Christianity is prohibited, Sikhism is tolerated, and Atheism outright taught? No wonder Atheism is the fastest growing religion, it has become the state religion.
In Canada we had this beautiful concept of the separate school system. These are publicly funded school systems that each teach people how to look at the world from a different view. If we are to be a truly multi-cultural society, we probably need more separate school systems. No Christian (for example) should be forced to have their child indoctrinated by secularists.
Written notice required when sex, sexual orientation, religion are covered
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:26 AM ET
CBC News
Alberta legislators passed legislation early Tuesday that will give parents the option of pulling their children out of class when lessons on sex, religion or sexual orientation are being taught.
The Alberta legislature held a seven-hour debate on Bill 44 Monday night before it passed third and final reading about 1:30 a.m. MT (3:30 a.m. ET) Tuesday.
A clause in the bill, which is an amendment to the province's human rights legislation, requires that school boards give parents written notice when controversial topics are going to be covered in the curriculum. Parents can then ask for their child to be excluded from the discussion.
read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/06/02/alberta-human-rights-school-gay-education-law.html
This is good and this is an important first step. At present in our allegedly multi-cultural mosaic of a country, I don't think the state should be allowed to indoctrinate children in its chosen religion (secular-atheism right now) against the wishes of the parents.
In a pluralist society, if secularist values are going to be taught in the schools then mustn't Christian, Muslim, and other values also be taught? Why does it seem that in some places Christianity is prohibited, Sikhism is tolerated, and Atheism outright taught? No wonder Atheism is the fastest growing religion, it has become the state religion.
In Canada we had this beautiful concept of the separate school system. These are publicly funded school systems that each teach people how to look at the world from a different view. If we are to be a truly multi-cultural society, we probably need more separate school systems. No Christian (for example) should be forced to have their child indoctrinated by secularists.
Monday, June 01, 2009
He is Lord
From a sermon on 2 Kings 1. Click HERE to read the scripture.
... God knows. This is important. God knows. You see Baal, Baal-Zebub, Baal worship is just a religion. It is a worldview much like Buddhism, Hinduism, Commercialism, Secularism, Atheism, and the like. They are all religions and/or worldviews. Baalism, like the other worldviews, is an attempt to make sense of the world around. What Baal-worshipers don’t acknowledge however - like what Secular-Atheists and others don’t understand - is that God, YHWH, a real entity and He is the only true God. He is not one of many competing viewpoints or just a code or simply a way of doing things. The LORD is a real God who cares about His people and this real God knows what that Ahaziah is injured and there is more than that.
Israel, at its foundation, was chosen by God for a purpose (that all the nations of the earth be blessed, as they are through Jesus Christ who fulfilled God’s promise to Abram; Genesis 12:3). Israel was dedicated to God. It was set apart for the LORD as was (arguably) our own Country (Our motto derives from Psalm 72). Many of our own traditions, institutions, activities, and organisation in this country were originally based on or dedicated to the LORD. We used to pray all over this country – like we do still in this part of the country – at our public events. Scriptures used to be taught in schools. Our leaders used to have a healthy deference, a Yir’ah, a real fear of this LORD that leads to wisdom.[7] Like all of us, the Lord does not necessarily appreciate someone coming along, taking what is His and misusing it.
This is what has been happening to Israel: people, in the name of Baal, have started to take away from God this country and this people who have been dedicated to Him. He is less and less a part of their official ceremonies and no longer a part of how their rulers make their decisions. He is no longer their lord.
Is he ours?
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/05/2-kings-16-is-it-because-there-is-no.html
... God knows. This is important. God knows. You see Baal, Baal-Zebub, Baal worship is just a religion. It is a worldview much like Buddhism, Hinduism, Commercialism, Secularism, Atheism, and the like. They are all religions and/or worldviews. Baalism, like the other worldviews, is an attempt to make sense of the world around. What Baal-worshipers don’t acknowledge however - like what Secular-Atheists and others don’t understand - is that God, YHWH, a real entity and He is the only true God. He is not one of many competing viewpoints or just a code or simply a way of doing things. The LORD is a real God who cares about His people and this real God knows what that Ahaziah is injured and there is more than that.
Israel, at its foundation, was chosen by God for a purpose (that all the nations of the earth be blessed, as they are through Jesus Christ who fulfilled God’s promise to Abram; Genesis 12:3). Israel was dedicated to God. It was set apart for the LORD as was (arguably) our own Country (Our motto derives from Psalm 72). Many of our own traditions, institutions, activities, and organisation in this country were originally based on or dedicated to the LORD. We used to pray all over this country – like we do still in this part of the country – at our public events. Scriptures used to be taught in schools. Our leaders used to have a healthy deference, a Yir’ah, a real fear of this LORD that leads to wisdom.[7] Like all of us, the Lord does not necessarily appreciate someone coming along, taking what is His and misusing it.
This is what has been happening to Israel: people, in the name of Baal, have started to take away from God this country and this people who have been dedicated to Him. He is less and less a part of their official ceremonies and no longer a part of how their rulers make their decisions. He is no longer their lord.
Is he ours?
read more: http://sheepspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/05/2-kings-16-is-it-because-there-is-no.html
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