Monday, September 28, 2009

The Truth Isn't Sexy

250 000 slaves still exist in North America

27 million salves still exist worldwide

What can you do about it?

Click here to find out:


Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Three-Legged Race

By Captain Michael Ramsay

The three-legged race is always fun to watch. Some people seem to run it with ease while others fall down and trip all over each other. I’ve seen dads tied to their kids who’ve simply picked them up and run with them without breaking the tie that binds. It is a lot of fun. The secret is that the winning couple is the pair who moves in sync with each other so that with every stride each matches their partner. Two independently minded people determined to do their own thing have no chance!

It is like that with covenants...

read more:


Friday, September 25, 2009

Rat Zappers!

The Salvation Army in Swift Current is pleased to announce that the Rat Zappers have arrived!

Randi Ellis, The City of Swift Current, and a number of organic farmers have donated thousands of dollars worth of rat traps to the financially disadvantaged in our community. As the city and many others have pointed out, we really do need to each do our part in order to solve the rodent problem in Swift Current. Not everyone can afford the costs associated with rat traps. For those in financial need The Salvation Army has a number of free Rat Zappers traps for distribution. Any Community and Family Services client or others who find themselves in a financially difficult position are invited to call The Salvation Army's Community and Family Services in Swift Current (306 778-0515)and make an appointment to pick up your Rat Zappers today -free of charge.

About the Rat Zappers: they are environmentally friendly rat traps made out of recycled plastic. There are no poisons used in the traps so we won't be poisoning our environment by using the Zappers. They are simple to use and when the Rat Zappers has killed a rat, you can easily remove the remains without even having to touch the deceased rodent.

We are really excited about this opportunity to work with our community to solve the rodent problem. We are thankful to Randi Ellis, the City of Swift Current, the organic farmers, and others for providing this service so that each of us - regardless of our socioeconomic status - may join the campaign to deliver our community from the rats.

Captain Michael Ramsay
The Salvation Army in Swift Current: Giving Hope Today

Thursday, September 24, 2009

EFC on Human Trafficking

The EFC’s Centre for Faith and Public Life has just released a three minute video clip to inform and alert congregations and youth groups to the issue of human trafficking around the world. Over 600 women and children are trafficked into Canada each year for sexual exploitation; 1500-2200 people are trafficked from Canada to the USA annually making Canada a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking. Feel free to use the clip in your church or ministry gatherings.

Click here to see the video and for more info:


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Late for Dinner

I remember years ago I owned a tutoring company and I even did some private educational instruction for a family on Vancouver Island, myself. Many nights of the week I would be working late at their place so the mom would often make these amazing meals and invite me to join the family before I headed off to my next appointment. One time, to repay the favour, we decided to invite the family to our house for dinner. Susan spent the day cooking this amazingly fancy meal and making the house look presentable while I was at the office. I returned and then Susan and I both went all out making this whole fancy dinner set-up for our chosen guests and they were late (not the 40 years late that the Israelites were for God’s meal but they were late). We were waiting for them and waiting for them and waiting for them. We had gone to all this trouble and then when they finally arrive and sit down for dinner the teenage sons let us know why they are late: “We’re not hungry; we just ate at McDonald’s.”

This I think must be about how God feels. He invited the Israelites to this special feast of ‘milk and honey’ that he took 400 years preparing (see Genesis 15) and by the time they finally arrive, God invites them in and tells them to help themselves to the best food that they have ever seen and they say ‘no thanks’. Of the first Hebrews to see the land, all except for Joshua and Caleb say that no, they don’t want it. They’ll just eat at McDonald’s. They’ll just return to Egypt (Numbers 14:3,4).

God is understandably a little bit upset and says to them. If you’re going to be that way than I don’t want you here either. Go away (Number 14:20-25). I’ll invite Caleb and Joshua and another generation of people back after the rest of you have died (Numbers 26:65, Numbers 32:12, Joshua 14).

God prepared this promised rest for the Hebrews who had been wandering around the desert. They said ‘no’ to the rest so God withdrew the offer until after they had all died. Hebrews 4:3: “So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’”

read more:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009



Statement of the Issue

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery. Reliable reports show that millions of people around the world are subjected to it. The techniques used by traffickers and the forms in which trafficking is manifested are various, but what is common to them all is the exploitation of some people by other people. Those who are victimized include babies, children, teenagers, women and men.

The following statement created by the United Nations and adopted by many others, is both a definition of human trafficking and a clear call to action:
"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. "
Statement of Position
The Salvation Army is deeply committed to fighting human trafficking however it may be manifested. We seek to exercise care in restoring the freedom and dignity of those affected.


Human trafficking is contrary to the principles of freedom and dignity. The exploitation
of human beings dehumanizes the individuals who are trafficked, rewards the inhumanity of the traffickers, and weakens the moral and social fabric of society at large.

Restoring dignity to persons who have been exploited is not easy, and the danger of paternalizing trafficked victims in the name of aiding them must be kept in view.

Traffickers need to be stopped and held accountable, but they also need those who will help them to a transformation of heart and mind.

The Salvation Army is opposed to the corrupt abuse of power against other human beings that is inherent in trafficking for personal economic gain. We therefore have the responsibility, both individually and collectively, to work for the liberation of those who have been enslaved in this manner, and to establish the legal and social mechanisms by which human trafficking can be stopped.

Biblical and Theological Background

Humankind is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26 ). All people are valuable to
God, holding a special place in God’s creation (Psalm 8:5). The Bible teaches that nobody should be exploited or damaged. Psalm 10 describes the wickedness of those who entrap others and the Psalmist calls on God to intervene. This Psalm is as relevant now as it was when it was written many years before the birth of Jesus.

Isaiah 42:22 says, ‘But this is a people plundered and looted all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, “Send them back.”’

Joel 3:3 says, ‘They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls for wine that they might drink.’

Jesus taught that no one should live in physical or spiritual bondage. He said, ‘The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers, and to say, ‘This is the year the Lord has chosen.’’ (Luke 4: 18 – 19). He was quoting Isaiah 61: 1 – 2. Later in Isaiah 61 are these words, ‘I, the Lord, love justice! But I hate robbery and injustice.’ (v. 8).

Consequently, Christians are called upon to work for the elimination of all forms of human trafficking.

Practical Responses

Since its inception, The Salvation Army has sought to reduce the worldwide phenomenon of abuse of individuals or groups of people for personal gain, now defined by the United Nations as human trafficking. It has established places of refuge for victims, sought legal changes that would both prevent trafficking and punish those involved, and it has created alternatives for those vulnerable to trafficking. Through its constituent territories, corps, centres and individual members, The Salvation Army continues to plan and undertake culturally and biblically appropriate responses which will help to eliminate the development or continuation of any form of human trafficking.

The Salvation Army recognises that there is a great deal of sex trafficking, and that the majority of those trafficked for sex are women and girls. It rejects this commodification of women in any circumstance – including pornography, prostitution and sex tourism - and works both to eliminate human trafficking for this purpose and to create alternatives for women who would otherwise be forced into prostitution.

The Salvation Army will work against any activity that trafficks people for the sale of human organs.

The Salvation Army seeks to develop strategies and methods which assist trafficked people
to re-enter and make a home in their chosen place of residence.

Often the incidence of human trafficking is hidden within a society. The Salvation Army
takes an active role in researching where human trafficking is occurring and aims to raise public awareness as a result.

The Salvation Army calls upon all legislators in local, national or international jurisdictions to create laws and enforcement mechanisms which criminalize trafficking and which will punish those engaged in such activities.

The Salvation Army also encourages all law enforcement agencies to actively prosecute
perpetrators of human trafficking and to work with other government and community
organizations to free people from any present or future coercion or threat.

Human trafficking flourishes because there is a demand for the services trafficked people are forced to provide. The Salvation Army therefore undertakes education and awareness raising activities so that those who use products or services supplied by trafficked people are confronted with the human misery, suffering and injustice created by their continuing use of these services or products.

The Salvation Army recognizes that there are a number of credible organizations working locally and globally on the issues of human trafficking. The Salvation Army encourages cooperation and networking with these agencies to achieve the elimination of human trafficking and to provide support to trafficked people.

The Salvation Army calls upon Salvationists and other Christians worldwide to seek God’s face and pray.

Reference Documents
United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Definition of “human trafficking”, at Annex II, Article 3, paragraph (a) ( ) A web resource for fighting human trafficking ( )
United Nations Global Initiative To Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) ( )
The Salvation Army, ‘Opposing and Preventing Global Sexual Trafficking’ ( )

The views expressed in this international positional statement constitute the official position of The Salvation Army on the issue addressed, and they may not be modified or adapted in any way without the express written permission of International Headquarters.
(Approved Draft: 14 September 2009)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hebrews 4: a much needed rest

Presented to Swift Current Corps, 20 September 2009
By Captain Michael Ramsay

Hebrews 4 is an important part of Hebrews for Salvationists and all others who believe in holiness but, like much in this book, this is somewhat confusing. I know personally in researching this, I read through the text a number of different times and consulted quite a few Biblical journals and commentaries. You remember –of course- that the book of Hebrews is (probably) really a sermon[1] and right in the midst of this sermon here is another 3-point mini-sermon on King David’s Psalm 95.[2] It is a sermon about a sermon. So then today we are all listening to a sermon about a sermon within a sermon. That would seem to be 3 sermons for the price of one. Not a bad deal – but that doesn’t mean you can skip out the next two weeks’ sermons – and you can probably see why this might be somewhat confusing.

This part of the mini-sermon that we are looking at today (Hebrews 4:1-11,12&13) deals with rest.[3] I have recently discovered ‘youtube’, though I confess that I haven’t quite figured out how to use it. Carlye Morris (our Salvation Army War College practicum student this summer) showed Susan, the girls and I this clip about rest…


The Pink Panther in this clip did finally enter into some rest but it isn’t entirely the rest that the preacher to the Hebrews here is speaking about. The preacher of Hebrews in his sermon on David’s Psalm 95 mentions God’s rest as it pertains to three different groups: God himself at the time of the creation of the world (4:4,10); we ourselves, today (4:3, 6-11); and the Hebrews with Moses and Joshua when they stood at the precipice of the promised land (4:1-3, 8-10).

read the sermon:

more sermons:

more writings:


Captain Michael Ramsay

Friday, September 18, 2009

Prostitution Wars and the Army

Jane Armstrong
Vancouver — From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Last updated on Friday, Sep. 18, 2009 03:25 AM EDT

(Hat tip Armybarmy)

This coverage is national pitting The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Salvos in a battle against the pro-prostitution lobby:

Timea Nagy was 20 when she answered a help-wanted listing in her native Hungary seeking nannies to work in Canada. The flight and travel arrangements were all paid and it seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime.

It turned into an unthinkable nightmare. The arrangement was, in fact, a human trafficking operation. There was no happy family at the Toronto airport to greet Ms. Nagy. Instead, three men – one Canadian and two Hungarians – whisked her to an Etobicoke motel, handed her some skimpy lingerie and drove her to a strip club, where she was forced to dance and perform sexual favours for male customers.

Over the next two months, Ms. Nagy was sexually attacked by her agent and verbally threatened by his associates, who forced her to....

read more from the Globe and Mail:


Thursday, September 17, 2009


From General Carpenter, in the foreword to SOCIAL EVILS:

SOCIAL reformers and statesmen of many lands have paid tribute to The Salvation Army's great influence on social legislation during the past fifty years or more. This modest volume places on record some of the outstanding and more spectacular attacks The Army has made on conditions which degraded men and women materially or morally.

Though William Booth and his early helpers had undertaken social work-from the provision of cheap food and shelter for the poor to the care of discharged prisoners and fallen women-long before 1890, In Darkest England and the Way Out, published at the end of that year, is the classic charter of The Salvation Army's vast and almost infinitely varied social operations all over the world.

Of that notable survey and the great redemptive scheme the book outlines, something is said in the following pages. It is worth emphasizing, however, that William Booth was by no means opposed to, in fact welcomed, the plans for social improvement based on Education, Trade Unions, Co-operation, Socialism and so on; in fact, almost anything short of violent revolution.

But Utopia was too remote for the Founder of The Salvation Army. He wished to provide ‘a present help for the actual need.’ He declared that the need demanded a scheme im¬mediately practicable; on a scale commensurate with the evil to be dealt with; permanent; not seriously interfering with the just rights of any other class of the community, nor injuring, indirectly, the persons it sought to benefit.
Look forward to a new version of this exciting book in the coming months. It will be informative, inspiring, and challenging.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

World's hungry reach record 1 Billion

Last Updated: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:04 AM ET
CBC News

The number of hungry people will pass a record one billion this year at the same time that food aid is at a 20-year low, the United Nations World Food Programme said Wednesday in London.

The number of undernourished people in the world has grown largely due to higher food prices, according to the agency.

The organization is facing a serious shortfall so far, having confirmed only $2.6 billion in funding for its 2009 budget of $6.7 billion, it said in a statement.

"This comes at a time of great vulnerability for the hungry," the agency said.

"Millions have been buffeted by the global financial downturn, their ability to buy food is limited by stubbornly high prices. In addition, unpredictable weather patterns are causing more weather-related hunger."


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Human Trafficking


Bill C-268, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of 18 years), is set to be debated Sept. 15 at 5:30 p.m. (live on CPAC and online at ) at Third Reading as a result of a recent trade in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Business. Following this hour of debate, Bill C-268 requires one more hour of debate at Third Reading before facing a final vote in the House of Commons. Please pray for the passing of this bill.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Hebrews- Green

Albert Outler once said that Hebrews is less an epistle than a fifth gospel. It certainly begins like one. It is hard to miss the echo in our text of both the Colossian hymn (Col 1:15-20) and the Johannine prologue (John 1:1-14), (Roger B. Green 291).

There remains before us a challenge and a choice. It is not the choice of whether we shall permit God's sovereign purpose to be accomplished in our life. It is rather, as Paul suggested to the Philippians, the matter of "working out" the implications of God's saving purpose for us "with fear and trembling," ever mindful that God is at work in us for [God's] good pleasure (Phil 2:12-13). We choose, therefore, how we shall live in response to this gospel of our salvation. How, in the living of our days, shall we choose to express the gratitude, obedience, confidence, and courage appropriate to those who inhabit God's sovereign purpose thus declared? (Roger B. Green 293)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Leviticus 25 1-23 and the Holiness Code:

The Land Shall Observe a Sabbath. (view Scriptures)
Presented to William and Catherine Booth College (Fall 2006)

Sabbath days, sabbatical years and years of jubilee are all significant to the LORD. Chapter 25 of Leviticus deals specifically with the year of jubilee and the sabbath year: “the Lord instituted a land reform of return to the old homestead every fifty years. Actually, the Jubilee was one of the first land reforms known in history…The sabbatical year likewise was a humane and very advanced social program. Imagine all debts forgiven and slaves released every seven years! Ingrained into Israel's laws and faith was a concern for the poor and unfortunate. It is observable in many of the laws already noticed and is made most emphatic in this chapter [25].”[1]

While God’s concern for the poor and the needy is marked throughout scripture, it is notable that “Leviticus 25 is indeed unique among all the chapters of the Torah, for it is the only chapter that deals with the subject of land tenure in ancient Israel.”[2] Through a brief examination of relevant background, contextual, historical, and rhetorical evidence and a close examination of Leviticus 25:1-23, I will discuss the significance of the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee as it relates to the land. I assert that the land reform of the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee are of great importance to God due to his concern for the land itself.

read more:


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vancouver Courier, Prostitution and ArmyBarmy

From Vancouver Courier (hat tip John Murray): full story @

Check out this headline:
Pro-prostitution lobby wages war on Salvation Army;

And this byline:
Protesters will target prayer vigils Wed Sep 9 2009

And this intro:
"Name the greatest threat to Vancouver prostitutes toiling on street corners and in storefront brothels: A) pimps B) abusive, disease-carrying johns C) an apathetic public D) the Salvation Army.

"According to Vancouver's pro-prostitution lobby, the answer is D, the Salvation Army."

Good on the Salvos - not to be a threat to prostituted persons -it appears that they are their greatest friend/advocate - but for stepping up and raising opposition. The article goes on to say that, "She also targets Salvation Army volunteers who will visit Downtown Eastside street corners to pray for the anguished and abused. Davis plans to produce pamphlets warning street prostitutes about the Salvation Army threat."

If those 'volunteers' are some of the people I think they are, then the inaccuracy is that they don't 'visit' the neighbourhood, they live there.

read the whole article:


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Back To School
by John H. Redkop
Hat Tip EFC Update

Parental disenchantment with public schools will likely increase in coming decades. Quite logically, parents don't want to be part of an educational environment in which schools and parents are in opposition, struggling to be the dominant ethical influence on the children. In many Christian circles, such fundamental tensions are becoming major agenda items. Rightly so.

The mandate of the Christian church includes religious training which extends far beyond the traditional Sunday school. The home is basic, of course, but its impact is weakened when public education stands in opposition.

read the article:


Our last breath?

We are only one generation away from total extinction as a denomination...does anybody care? Should we care?

James Pedlar will be asking Alberta Officers these questions in October.

Two years ago, Territorial Headquarters initiated the Young Adult Research Project - a series of surveys, interviews, and focus groups with Salvationists and former Salvationists from all across the Territory. The goal of the project was to find out how many young adults are actually leaving the Army, and to ask young adults themselves to tell us why they have left. At this presentation we will review the final results of the project and engage in a discussion about how local Army ministries can respond to the passions, concerns, and hopes of young adults.


Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Welcome to the online appendix to the fourth edition of SALVATIONISM 101. These articles correspond to sessions from that soldier training guide. They were originally compiled in 1998 from THE OFFICER Magazine, The War Cry, other Salvation Army periodicals, and newspaper articles.


In Genesis 26 God promises to prosper Isaac with the blessing promised to his father Abraham. But before Isaac could receive the blessing, God had to deal with sin in his life. Isaac began to re-dig the wells his father had originally opened. These sources of physical sustenance for Abraham became symbolic sources of spiritual blessing to Isaac. The last one (v22) was named Rehoboth, or ‘broad place’, because, “Now the LORD has given us room and we will flourish.”

There is a primitive Salvationist song which directs us, as Isaac, to, “Go back to the old wells, where the waters are sweet.” The resources which follow are intended to help us return those old sources of blessing to our forbearers.

Let these resources enrich the subject matter of the 12 sessions and be a generator of discussion in your group (unless otherwise stated, the articles are written by Stephen Court).

download the document :

more resources :


Monday, September 07, 2009

Why was Hebrews written?

Why then was this sermon spoken and/or this book written to the Hebrews? The first hearers of this work obviously knew the originator of these words (Hebrews 13:17-23) and they were very likely members of a small group or house church. In this small group, they had a number of problems that they were facing that should be very familiar to Canadian Christians:

* They had some people leaving their group and even turning their backs on their faith (Hebrews 10:25);

* They had other people who were still coming out regularly but who had grown apathetic about their faith. They didn’t act like they even cared about their salvation (Hebrews 2:1-14);[18]
And worse than not getting together regularly like this and worse than stopping to come out altogether to meetings and worse than growing apathetic about their whole faith, some of them stopped listening to God.[19]

* Some who used to come out regularly and meet as part of this congregation of the Hebrews Christian Church, some of this small group have even slid into apostasy (Hebrews 3:12).

These are very real problems not only for the Hebrew Christian Church in Rome but also I think for the Canadian Christian churches all across this country today.

Read more about Hebrews:

Read more writings and sermons by Michael Ramsay:


Friday, September 04, 2009

On Calvin, Hobbes, and rights

Thanks Bram for forwarding this to me.


Early modern politics took up one particular thread from Calvin’s thought – not his overarching vision of a rightly ordered society, but instead his “minor theme” of the subjective rights of citizens. In the history of political thought, this doctrine of subjective rights – rights that I possess, rights that are my entitlement – produces an increasingly individualising understanding of politics. Politics becomes more and more a contest between competing individual freedoms and rights. My relation to society is defined no longer in terms of our mutual responsibilities and obligations, but in terms of what society owes me as a private individual.

I think the extraordinary expansion in recent years of a culture of litigation in western societies is simply a further step in this direction: my place in society is defined by the rights I possess, by what the rest of society owes me. A society of litigation begins to look frighteningly like what Thomas Hobbes called the bellum omnia contra omnes, the war of everyone against everyone else. This was exactly Hobbes’s point: a society in which everyone asserts their own rights will necessarily descend into violence and chaos; what is needed, Hobbes argued, is the relinquishment of such rights for the sake of a good and peaceable common life.

Regarding subjective “human” rights, I myself think Alasdair MacIntyre is entirely correct: “The truth is plain: there are no such rights, and belief in them is one with belief in witches and in unicorns…. Natural or human rights … are fictions.” You are not born with rights; you are born into communities and traditions that make such rights possible. Subjective rights, therefore, cannot be the foundation of politics, since these rights can only be the result of a well ordered common life.

In our time, I think a responsible theological reflection on law and politics might still have a lot to learn from Calvin’s understanding of rights. Calvin poses some uncomfortable critical questions to our liberal individualist assumptions; and he might provide a critical resource towards a contemporary theological reconfiguration of the very nature of politics.

What would a political order look like if we understood rights not as inhering naturally in individuals, but as “that which is right” for the order of a society?

In this perspective, the political order is defined in terms of virtue, duty, obligations to one another and to our collective flourishing as a people. Here, my own identity is defined not in terms of what I am owed, but in terms of my obligations and commitments to the whole social order. What I’m inviting you to do here is to re-imagine politics – not as something that arises from the need to preserve individual rights, but as an order designed to establish the basic conditions within which a community of virtue might flourish. In such a society, the fundamental political question would no longer be what are my rights?, but rather, what is right?

What’s the Point? An Introduction to Hebrews (Part 1)

Presented to Swift Current Corps, 05 September 2009
By Captain Michael Ramsay

Sunday's sermon will be a bit of an experiment for me. I was involved in the field of education for quite a while and have taught many different classes, seminars and the like. In my experience the most effective ways of communicating to a class are somewhat different than what appears to be the most effective ways to proclaim the Gospel to a congregation (through a homily). Today I will attempt to combine the two styles somewhat but the first part of this morning’s encounter will be much more of a ‘teach’ than a ‘preach’ – so let me know what you think. If this is effective, we will probably introduce the other books of the Bible in a similar fashion.

Before we even start with any of that, I want to encourage us all to read our Bibles. We will be looking at the book of Hebrews for the next six weeks. Hebrews should take you no more than an hour to read as whole and I really encourage you to do this at least once every week, if you can. We will also be looking at Hebrews in the advanced adult Bible study class on Thursdays at 7PM at the church beginning September 15th. I invite you all to join us for that. If you can’t join us and find it a challenge to set aside time to read all of Hebrews in the week if you could remember to pre-read what we are going to discuss each Sunday that would be wonderful. The following is our preaching schedule for the next month.

Sept 6 – Introduction to Hebrews
Sept 13 – Hebrews 1 and 2
Sept 20 – Hebrews 3 and 4
Sept 27 – Hebrews 5, 6, 7, and 8
October 4 – Hebrews 9, 10, and 11
October 11 – Hebrews 12 and 13


More sermons:
More writing:

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Further Revelation

Revelations 3:20: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Laodicea was a city of Asia Minor situated in the Lycos valley in the province of Phrygia. It was founded by Antiochus II (261-246 BC) of Syria, who named it for his wife Laodike, and populated it with Syrians and Jews from Babylonia. Though Laodicea stood on the great highway at the junction of several important routes, it was a place of little importance until the Roman province of Asia was formed in 190 BC. It then suddenly became a great and wealthy centre of industry, famous especially for the fine black wool of its sheep and for the Phrygian powder for the eyes that was manufactured there (compare Rev 3:18). In the area was a renowned medical school. In the year 60 AD, the city was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake but as (the Roman senator and historian) Tacitus records, its citizens were so wealthy that they actually rejected the aid offered by Rome and quickly rebuilt at their own expense (compare Rev 3:17).[10] Loadicea was a city of great wealth, with extensive banking operations (compare Rev 3:18).[11] Rich, cultured, pluralistic - this church became so self-satisfied and worldly that it seems to have ostracised Christ completely.[12] It was neither cold nor hot; it was nauseous to God: it was a church which considered itself rich and in need of nothing but that was instead wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.[13]

This was the church to whose angel John wrote the letter (3:14-18):

…These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

read more:

more sermons and stuff:


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Revelation 3:19-22: I'm still knocking!

Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Even in this state of the Laodiceans wallowing in their riches while people in their world starve to death; even in our state of wallowing in our riches while people in our world starve to death; even in this state of not having spiritual strength equivalent to relaxing hot springs of Hieropolis or the religious zeal equivalent to the clear, cold waters of Colossae, God does not give up on them. God does not give up on us. It says that he stands at the door and knocks. This is significant. It isn’t a casual knock at the door and seeing that the people of Laodicea are too busy to hear him, he goes away – this is a persistent knock. The word here in the Greek refers to a continual knocking but the people of Laodicea seem to be hiding.

There are consequences for not opening the door but God doesn’t give up (cf. Romans 3:3,4; Hebrews 13:5; Joshua 1:5). He is more persistent than the babysitter who has been locked outside. He is more persistent than an unwanted salesperson or a family member who you just don’t want to see. He is like the person with a political pamphlet, vacuum, or encyclopaedia set who is pounding on our door and not going away. With Him, He has His Word of Truth and He is calling out. He is crying out. “Hello. Is anybody in there? Hello, is anybody in there?” And the more he yells for us in this country to open the door, the more we seem to turn up our TV sets so we can’t hear him. “Hello, Hello, Hello,” He still yells because he wants our attention, “Is anybody in there?” But we – in this country - seem to duck beneath the window and hide ourselves in our work or our entertainment or even in our sin that we keep deep inside ourselves because we don’t want to see Him. We turn up our radios, we put on our washing machines; we do anything we can to ignore our Lord and Saviour it seems. But He is still calling. He is still calling at the door because He loves us. He knows that we are in here. He knows that the Angel is hiding behind the door of Laodicea. He knows that you and I are tucked away behind the affluence of Canada and He is calling. He is calling us each out by name, ‘Susan’, ‘Michael’, ‘whoever’… He is calling us, begging us to turn down the distractions provided by our wealth and let Him in. Please let us let our dear Saviour in because we know, that just like the six year-old Calvin can’t survive without the protection of his babysitter, mother, or father so also no matter how self-sufficient we think we are, in reality we cannot survive without the protection of our own Heavenly Father.

So let us today, as Jesus is still knocking, let us look out the windows of our own souls, let us see Him and let us invite Jesus into our own lives to eat with us so that indeed we can all dine with him in His Kingdom to come forever and ever. Amen.

Let us pray.

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Self-Exam from Armybarmy
August 31, 2009.
Greetings in Jesus' name, friends.
He is risen!

How's your soul?
Are the roots of bitterness gone? (SLB)
The Salvation Army follows the Weselyan example for tight accountability in discipling relationships. Here is the TEST FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. The following are questions taken from The Salvation ARMY ORDERS AND REGULATIONS FOR SOLDIERS, 1999 (Chapter 4, section 3). They are useful to ask God daily and your accountability partners weekly:

1. Am I habitually guilty of any known sin? Do I practise or allow myself in any thought, word, or deed which I know to be wrong?

2. Am I so the master of my bodily appetites as to have no condemnation? Do I allow myself in any indulgence that is injurious to my holiness, growth inknowledge, obedience, and usefulness?

3. Are my thoughts and feelings such that I should not be ashamed to hear them published before God?

4. Does the influence of the world cause me to act, feel, or say things that are unlike Christ?

5. Do my tempers cause me to act, or feel or say things that I see afterward are contrary to that love which I ought to bear always to those about me?

6. Am I doing all in my power for the salvation of sinners? Do I feel concern about their danger and pray and work for their salvation as if they were my children?

7. Am I fulfilling the vows I have made to God in my acts of consecration or at the Penitent Form?

8. Is my example in harmony with my profession?

9. Am I conscious of any pride or haughtiness in my manner or bearing?

10. Do I conform to the fashions and customs of this world or do I show that I despise them?

11. Am I in danger of being carried away with worldly desires to be rich or admired?

And here are the 22 questions members of John Wesley’s HOLY CLUB asked themselves each day during their private rations over 200 years ago.

1. Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am better really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
2. Am I honest in all my acts and words, or do I exaggerate?
3. Do I confidentially pass on to another what was told me in confidence?
4. Can I be trusted?
5. Am I a slave to dress, friends, work, or habits?
6. Am I self-conscious, self-pitying, or self-justifying?
7. Did the Bible live in me today?
8. Do I give it time to speak to me every day?
9. Am I enjoying prayer?
10. When did I last speak to someone else about my faith?
11. Do I pray about the money I spend?
12. Do I get to bed on time and get up on time?
13. Do I disobey God in anything?
14. Do I insist upon doing something about which my conscience is uneasy?
15. Am I defeated in any part of my life?
16. Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy, or distrustful?
17. How do I spend my spare time?
18. Am I proud?
19. Do I thank God that I am not as other people, especially as the Pharisee who despised the publican?
20. Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold a resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it?
21. Do I grumble or complain constantly?
22. Is Christ real to me?
The kingdom of God is at hand.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

We're rich but we're poor: Laodicean Christians

Loadicea was a city of great wealth, with extensive banking operations (compare Rev 3:18).[11] Rich, cultured, pluralistic - this church became so self-satisfied and worldly that it seems to have ostracised Christ completely.[12] It was neither cold nor hot; it was nauseous to God: it was a church which considered itself rich and in need of nothing but that was instead wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.[13]

This was the church to whose angel John wrote the letter (3:14-18):

…These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Let me interrupt the letter here. This is significant. What is the sin of the angel of Laodicea? They are rich but they are poor (v. 17, cf.1 Timothy 6:3-10). This is not unlike our own nation today. We know that one cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13; cf. Hebrews 13:5, 1 Peter 5:2). We know that our country has an economic system (capitalism) that by definition serves money (and we have seen some of the serious temporal consequences of that in the last 100 years: depressions, wars, recessions, crime, unemployment, etc.) We know that it is more difficult for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle (Matthew 19:23, Mark 10:23-24, Luke 18:24-25) – and when was the last time we saw that! We know that even the poorest of Canadians today are amongst the wealthiest people who have ever lived on this earth. King Solomon could never have even dreamed of the luxuries that we have today: cars, microwaves, centralized heating and air-conditioning, TV, food and junk food galore!

Laodicea had become so rich in the things of this earth (Luke 12:21) that they did not realise that they were spiritually ‘wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. (V.17; cf. 1 Timothy 6:17, James 2:5).’ In Canada we were founded (arguably) as a direct rebuke of the earlier atheistic/deistic revolutions: we were intentionally founded upon scripture (Psalm 72) but as we have grown richer in this country, complacency, crime, pornography, atheism, and self-reliance have sprung up like so many weeds attempting to choke out the Word of God and in Canada. Like Laodicea, we have become so complacent and so trusting in our earthly riches it seems that we are turning further and further away from God.

Laodicea was rich in material wealth but Laodicea lacked the good water that her neighbouring cities had: Hieropolis had great hot mineral springs and there was also the clear cold waters of Colossae in contrast to the poor water of Laodicea, which was piped to the city through crusty aqueducts. Laodicea was rich in money but poor in the water it needed to survive. [14] Likewise, Laodicea was rich in temporal wealth but was poor in living water, which we all need to survive. If only Laodicea was spiritually as hot as the waters of Hieropolis or as cool and refreshing as the waters of Colossae! (Important: This passage is NOT referring to ‘spiritual hotness’ and ‘spiritual coldness’ as we would think of those terms today. That idea would have been a foreign analogy in the first century!) [15]

This is what John is talking about. Loadicea may have wealth but they lack spiritual wealth. They have both the good hot water and the good cold water being poured into them but when they mix together in their wealthy city this becomes useless lukewarm water.

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