Thursday, May 29, 2014

Our Fallen EMS

Composed at Swift Current, Saskatchewan for the second annual remembrance of EMS personal who have died in the line of duty, May 25 2014.

Our Fallen EMS
By Captain Michael Ramsay

Some have perished in war zones,
And some in times and places of peace;

Some have passed from this world to the next, through accidents –
Be they in ambulance, aircraft, or otherwise;

Some have died due to acts of Nature
And all who died have performed acts of service;

Some have been ‘Promoted to Glory’ through unforeseen events,
And some through uncontrollable circumstance;

Some have left small and older children behind,
Some have left husbands, wives, and partners behind;

They have all left friends, colleagues, and communities behind,
And they have all left many fond memories behind;

It is through these memories that our friends, colleagues, and family live on
We must not forget them and we will not forget them

Our Fallen EMS personnel who have given their lives to saving ours.
John 15:13: Greater love has no one than to lay down his life for his friend